Tuesday, 29 December 2009

New Years Eve In St Ives

Fireworks - New Years Eve - St Ives Cornwall
Fireworks - New Years Eve - St Ives Cornwall

As ever there will be lots going on for New Years Eve in St Ives.

Just about every pub and bar will be staging some sort of party. The Lifeboat Inn have Karaoke. The Castle Inn have their usual fancy dress party.

The Western Hotel has live music with Killer Heels and The Dirty Livin' Rhythmn Band. Tickets are £10.00 including a buffet.

In case you are a visitor who hasn't been before - fancy dress is not compulsory but you will feel a bit out of place if you don't dress up. It also adds to the fun. Local charity shops Save The Children (High Street) and British Heart Foundation (Tregenna Place) have a good selection of costume items for sale. If you want to hire a ready-made costume you can get one from St Ives Theatre.

Restaurants always book up fast and most will be full on the night. I'd advise you to book somewhere right now if you want a sit down meal. If you're happy to eat outdoors then there will be plenty of takeaway outlets available.

If you are looking for a somewhere to stay there are still some places available at the last minute - both hotels and self catering in and around St Ives. You might try:
Cottages In Cornwall

Depending on the weather there may be fireworks on the beach at midnight. Unfortunately the current weather forecast doesn't look too good. The Met Office are currently forecasting heavy rain - but of course that could change.

Hope you have a great New Year.

Saturday, 26 December 2009

St Ives Cornwall - Christmas Day

We enjoyed a beautiful sunny Christmas Day in St Ives yesterday.

As usual we headed down to the harbour for a walk at lunchtime.

A drink at The Sloop, a walk on Harbour Beach then home.

Perfect day in St Ives. Hope you enjoy the photo gallery above.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

December Competition - Winner

St Ives Cornwall - December Competition
St Ives Cornwall - December Competition

Thanks to all who entered the December Competition.

The answer to the question -

What other delicious flavours of Cornish chocolate bars can you get:
  • Dark
  • Dark No Added Sugar
  • Coffee
  • Ginger.
The winner is Sharon Barnard with her tiebreaker:

I love chocolate because ......

Perfect as a snack or an indulgent treat,
It’s rich, creamy and deliciously sweet!

I will run another competition next month.

Monday, 21 December 2009

St Ives Cornwall - One Year of Blogging

Happy Solstice from St Ives Cornwall!

Today is the Winter Solstice - which marks the Return of the Sun.
The longest night is over and it will get lighter from now on.

Also - St Ives Cornwall Blog is one year old today!

I have really enjoyed the last 12 months of blogging and judging by the comments I've received many of you have enjoyed my posts as well.

Thanks for all your support and comments.

Here is a selection of my favourite posts - month by month:

December - Beautiful Winters Day

January - Sunrise

February - Goodbye Woolworths

April - Flooding Chaos

May - Porthmeor Sunset

June - Deep Fried Mars Bars

July - Poetry

August - Romeo and Juliet

September - Moving to St Ives

October - In Love With St Ives

November - Winter Is Coming

December - Winter Morning

I hope that you enjoy browsing through these.
Let me know what your favourite posts are.

And once again - Thanks !

Saturday, 19 December 2009

St Ives Cornwall - What's On This Week

Christmas Lights - St Ives Harbour - December 2009

Another roundup of events around town over the coming days.

Naturally this week I'll be following a Christmas and Winter Solstice theme.

Click on the player at the top right of the blog for some seasonal music while you read.

Also take a look at my Christmas Competiton where you can win a great prize.

Tonight (19th) popular singer-songwriter Nicola Clark makes a welcome return to St Ives with a gig at St Ives Arts Club. Celebrate The Light starts at 8.00 pm and tickets are £6.00 - bring your own wine.

On Monday (21st) night there is a Christmas Quiz at The Castle Inn starting at around 8.30 pm - entry is £1.00 per person, teams of up to five.

Tuesday (22nd) sees the annual Christmas Gala Night at St Ives Jazz Club. Musicians galore, guests, surprises and a buffet. Doors open at 8.00 pm and music starts at 9.00 pm. Entry on the door is £9.00 or £6.00 for members.

On Wednesday (23rd) there is a special Christmas Farmers Market at St Ives Backpackers. A chance to get some great local food for Christmas. It runs from 9.30 am until 2.30 pm.

On Thursday (24th) night there is a Karaoke Christmas Party at The Lifeboat Inn. Starts at 8.00 pm, free entry.

As ever this is just a selection of what's on in St Ives - there is much more on my:
St Ives Events Calendar

Have a great week and a wonderful Christmas.

Friday, 18 December 2009

St Ives Cornwall - Winter Morning

St Ives Cornwall - Winter Morning

A beautiful sunrise today.

Clear skies, cold, stormy seas.

I filmed this video earlier this morning.

Hope you like it.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Christmas In St Ives - Festive Friday

Christmas In St Ives Cornwall

There is loads going on in town tomorrow night (18th December) for children of all ages on the final Festive Friday before Christmas.

5.00 to 8.30 - Market Place - roundabout ride with fairground organ.

5.00 to 7.00 - Fore Street - local youth bands.

6.00 to 7.30 - Fabulous Kids - Fairy Wishes, make a Christmas wish.

6.30 to 8.30 - around town - St Ives Guisers.

6.30 to 7.30 - The Sloop - carols with Hayle and St Ives Community Choir.

6.30 - 8.30 - around town - St Ives Concert Band.

7.30 to 8.30 - around town - carols with The Chapel Choir.

7.30 to 8.30 - The Sloop then Fore Street - Heyl Town Band.

Many of the local shops will be open until 9.00, so there will be plenty to see and do.

Only one week to Christmas Day - can't wait !

More info about festivities is on:
Christmas In St Ives Cornwall

Monday, 14 December 2009

Exhibition - Nil Desperandum

Nil Desperandum - Fore Street St Ives

A great new art exhibition has sprung up on Fore Street.

Nil Desperandum is a response by a group of contemporary artists to the legacy of John Knill - former mayor of St Ives who commissioned the Knill Monument.

The Knill Family motto 'Nil Desperandum' is carved into the monument and translates from its original Latin to 'Never Despair' - an appropriate sentiment for these hard times !

Work exhibited is from a diverse group of Cornwall and international artists.

It is in Knill's former house at 50 Fore Street - near to the corner of The Digey.

This really is worth a visit - I was there on the opening night and can thoroughly recommend it. The work is varied, original and in a range of different media.

Its open every day (except Sunday 19th) until Chistmas Eve when it closes - so don't miss it !

More information:
Sally Noall Website

Saturday, 12 December 2009

St Ives Cornwall - December Competition

Harbour Beach - Buried Treasure- Find It !

Another competition - and you can win a great prize.

Pirates have buried their treasure on Harbour Beach.

Your challenge - to find it - then answer a question and compose a tiebreaker.

Closing date is Monday 21st December.

You'll need to visit my OneStIves website to enter:

St Ives December Competition

Friday, 11 December 2009

St Ives Community Play 2010

Nicola Wilkes (Juliet), Sarah Lincoln (Director) September 2009

St Ives Community Play have announced their production for next summer.

As expected it will be a Shakespeare comedy - Much Ado About Nothing.

Like last summer performances will be outdoors on The Island St Ives during August and September - dates to be announced later.

The company are looking for as many local volunteers as possible to join - whether onstage or offstage. Everybody involved last year really enjoyed the experience. You can get in touch now via the website.

Work on the production will start early in the New Year.

St Ives Community Play Website

Thursday, 10 December 2009

St Ives Cornwall - OneStIves Website

St Ives Cornwall - Sunny Morning - 10th December 2009

I've not posted for a few days - the main reason being that I've being working flat out on the new design and content for my St Ives website.

I've added more interactive and visual features including videos, maps, reviews, what's on listings and animated photo galleries.

I'm planning to add even more to the site over the coming months - so if there is anything that you would like to see let me know. Any comments are most welcome.

I'm keen to feature good quality content from other contributors - with a full credit and link if applicable. This could be news, reviews, photos, video or just about anything else relevant to St Ives and Cornwall.

Check out the new site here:
St Ives Website - OneStIves

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Christmas In St Ives - Festive Fridays

Christmas In St Ives Cornwall

There will be a number of events every Friday evening in the run-up to Christmas. Also late night shopping and free parking. Many people in town have made a real effort this year to make Christmas in St Ives special.

Festivities start this Friday when Santa arrives in St Ives and the Christmas tree lights are switched on.

Friday 4th December at St Ives Guildhall and around St Ives from 6.00 pm:
  • Santa arrives
  • Christmas lights switched on
  • Carol singing
  • St Ives Concert Band
  • Tatters Morris
  • Fancy dress prizes
  • Treasure hunt
Friday 11th December around St Ives from 5.00 pm:
  • Twinkle Twinkle procession
  • Children's carols
  • St Ives Infants School Choir
  • St Ives Concert Band
  • Puppet shows at Fabulous Kids
Friday 18th December around St Ives from 6.00 pm:
  • Guisers
  • St Ives Concert Band
  • Heyl Town Band
  • Laudate Choir
  • Chapel Choir
  • Hayle and St Ives Afternoon Choir
  • Fairy Wishes at Fabulous Kids
St Ives Concert band will also be playing around town every Saturday.

More info about Christmas in St Ives is on::
Christmas In St Ives Cornwall

Monday, 30 November 2009

Textile Art Exhibition - Here's One I Made Earlier

Here's One I Made Earlier - Jo McIntosh

My wife Jo has an exhibition of her textile art running throughout December.

Here's One I Made Earlier is in the Greta Williams Room at St Ives Library - open during normal library opening hours.

The opening is tomorrow night (Tuesday 1st) from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm.
Please join us for a glass of wine.

Entry is free and many of the pieces are for sale - so please do go along to take a look. It is beautiful and original.

Work includes Jo's woven wall hangings, felt pieces and silk painting.

You can see more on her website:

Knit One Weave One - Jo McIntosh Textile Artist

Sunday, 29 November 2009

St Ives Website - OneStIves - New Design

St Ives Cornwall

I've just completed a brand new design for my St Ives Website:

OneStIves - St Ives Cornwall - A Guide

Better graphics, easier navigation, more content.

At least I think so !

Let me know what you think - as ever feedback welcome.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - What's On This Week

The Castle Inn - Fore Street St Ives Cornwall
The Castle Inn - Pub Quiz - Monday 30th November

A fair bit going on this week as the Christmas season approaches.

Tonight (28th) there is live music at The Western with Killer Heels - starts at 9.00 pm free entry.

On Sunday (29th) The Belfast Busker is at The Golden Lion - starts at 9.00 pm free entry.

On Monday (30th) there is the weekly fun pub quiz at The Castle Inn - starts at 8.00 pm, entry is £1.00 per person with teams of up to five. Cash prize for the winners plus Chase The Ace with a rollover jackpot.

Tuesday (1st) sees the opening of Here's One I Made Earlier - an exhibition of textile art by Jo McIntosh. St Ives Library, 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm. Free entry. Open throughout December during library opening hours.

On Wednesday (2nd) St Ives School of Painting have an art class - Life Drawing. No need to book just turn up, 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm, beginners welcome, £7.00.

On Thursday (3rd) Cafe Frug is back at St Ives Arts Club. Starts at 8.00 pm, entry is £4.00 / £2.00 (Arts Club members).

On Friday (4th) Santa arrives in St Ives for the big switch on of the Christmas lights at The Guildhall. There will be festive music from St Ives Concert Band, carol singing and fancy dress prizes. Santa will then travel on his sleigh from The Guildhall to his grotto at The Glass Tree on Fore Street. Festivities start at 6.00 pm.

Movies at The Royal Cinema this week include:

  • A Christmas Carol
  • 2012
  • The Twilight Saga: New Moon
  • Bright Star
  • Planet 51
  • Sleep Furiously
  • Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs
Full details of times and ticket prices on:
Royal Cinema Website

As ever there is lots more on my:
St Ives Events Calendar

Friday, 27 November 2009

Rail Travel To Cornwall

Proposed High Speed Rail Network

The new plan to finally build high speed rail links in the UK is a great idea.

But I can't help noticing one or two gaps in the proposed "national" network above.

Comment below if you spot them as well.

Looks like for now I'll have to carry on destroying the planet by using the car or the excellent Air South West.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Christmas in St Ives - Fair Mo

Fair Mo - St Ives Guildhall - Saturday 28th November

This Saturday (28th) the annual Fair Mo takes place in St Ives Guildhall.

Probably St Ives oldest fair - its origins go back to medieval times. Fair Mo 2009 kicks off sharp at 10.00 am and will go on until 2.00 pm.

All proceeds go to the upkeep of St Ives Parish Church which dates back to 1410 and will celebrate its 600th anniversary next year.

'Bargain hunters of the best in festive fare are urged to come early' says the vicar Reverend Andrew Gough.

Samba Celtica will play throughout the morning on The Guildhall forecourt.

Stallholders will be able to set out their stall on the Friday evening (27th) from 6.00 pm until 9.00 pm.

For further information call: 01736 797699

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

November Competition 2 - Answer

Postbox - Ayr Lane St Ives

Thanks to everybody who entered the competition.

'Is this St Ives most obscure postbox - where is it ?'

The answer is - at the top of Ayr Lane where it meets Carrack Dhu.

So the winner is Carol:
Tiflin Art and Textiles

Let me know when you want to collect your prize - well done !

Monday, 23 November 2009

St Ives Back Road Trail - Arts and Crafts

The Back Road Trail - Click on the image to enlarge.

The Back Road Trail is a guide to some of the Studios, Galleries and Workshops of St Ives - particularly those around the Downalong end of town.

Printed copies are available from St Ives Tourist Information or you can click on the image above for a larger version.

It includes a map showing suggested places to visit.

There is no prescribed route but a good starting point might be St Ives Parish Church - easy to find. The church hosts occasional exhibitions and is worth a look in its own right.

You could then walk down to The Slipway and along The Wharf where there are a few galleries including Harbour Galleries mid-way and Art Space towards the end.

Walking back towards The Sloop Inn you will find The Sloop Craft Market with a number of small studios.

Turn up Fish Street towards Back Road. There are several places in the area highlighted on the map.

At the end of Back Road you can continue along Porthmeor to Tate St Ives or a left turn will take you along The Digey to Fore Street.

A walk along Fore Street will take you past many more galleries, until you reach the end and are back to the church.

A final stop might be the Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden a short distance up the hill from there.

You could also continue past the church into St Andrews Street where you will find several more galleries (not on the map). A right turn at the end takes you into Street-an-Pol where Millennium Gallery is to be found opposite St Ives Guildhall.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - What's On This Week

St Ives Jumbo Association - Fundraiser - Saturday 21st

Another week of varied entertainment and things to do.

Tonight (21st) there is a 70s and 80s disco at The Western - wear period dress. A fundraiser for St Ives Jumbo Association. Starts at 8.00 pm and entry is £5.00 for adults and £2.50 for children.

On Sunday (22nd) night there are the regular weekly pub quizzes at The Queens Hotel and The Union Inn. Both start at 8.00 pm - cash prizes.

On Monday (23rd) there is an art class - life drawing - at St Ives School of Painting. It starts at 7.30 pm and there is no need to book, just turn up, cost is £7.00.

On Tuesday (24th) St Ives Jazz Club are staging D'Agostino and Oxley - 'seasoned practitioners in the art of jazz guitar ...... combine in a delightful and sweetly excecuted duet'. At The Western, doors open at 8.00 pm, music starts at 9.00 pm and entry is £9.00 / £6.00 (members).

On Wednesday (25th) there is a Blues Session at The Golden Lion - starts at 9.00 pm, free entry.

On Thursday (26th) a new readers group meets at St Ives Library - Words and Minds. Start time is 10.00 am.

On Friday (27th) you might visit the new exhibition at Millennium - Harriet Bell -The Kellys and the O'Kellys - There. Free entry and open from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Movies at The Royal Cinema this week include:
  • The Twilight Saga: New Moon
  • Bright Star
  • The Men Who Stare At Goats
  • Fantastic Mr Fox
  • Up
  • Blue Eyelids
  • Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs
Full details of times and ticket prices on:
Royal Cinema Website

As ever there is more on my:
St Ives Events Calendar

Friday, 20 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - November Competition 2

Where in St Ives Cornwall is this ? Click to enlarge.

After the relative failure of my last competition - only two entries from all my hundreds of loyal readers - I've decided to give it another go.

Is this St Ives most obscure postbox - where is it ?

First correct entry wins - post your answer in comments below.
If you post anonymously please include and email address so that I can let you know if you win.

Prize as before is a copy of the guidebook - St Ives and Trips in the Vicinity written by Julia Kaufhold and translated by Will Sleath.

If you don't win and feel like enhancing my Internet fortune by buying a copy click on the link above. Its a great book by the way.

As mentioned previously - if you'd like to donate a prize in exchange for some free publicity get in touch.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

St Ives Farmers Market - Christmas

The excellent Farmers Market have announced dates running up to Christmas.

As usual they will be open on Thursdays - 3rd, 10th and 17th December.

There will then be special markets on Wednesday 23rd December and Wednesday 30th December – as both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve fall on a Thursday this year.

All of these markets in December will run as normal between 9.30am and 2pm at St Ives Backpackers on The Stennack.

A great opportunity to stock up with tasty local produce for the festive period.

In 2010 markets will continue to run every Thursday throughout the year.

Details of traders and more information on the website:

St Ives Farmers Market

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

St Ives Community Play - 2010

Juliet and Nurse in Rehearsal - Summer 2009

I went to a meeting of St Ives Community Play last week. The main topic of discussion was this years production of Romeo and Juliet - performed on The Island in August and September.

The general conclusion was that it was great - but there are areas of improvement for next year.

If you have any feedback it would be most welcome.

There was also some discussion about next years production - which looks certain to go ahead, probably outdoors on The Island again in August and September.

The play is yet to be decided - other than it will be Shakespeare. My guess is that it will be one of the comedies - fun for the cast to perform and for the audience.

The company genuinely aims to be fully inclusive and wants as many local volunteers as possible. Everybody who takes part is guaranteed a role - either onstage or offstage. Last years company found the experience fun, rewarding and fulfilling.

So - one reason for this post is to make people aware that:
St Ives Community Play needs you !

Whatever your skills or abilities you are welcome.

Get in touch via the website:

St Ives Community Play

More details about next year will be posted in due course.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Porthmeor Studios Wins £900k Funding

Porthmeor Studios - St Ives Cornwall

Porthmeor Studios - home to several St Ives artists and St Ives School of Painting - has won £900,000 in funding.

According to the Borlase Smart John Wells Trust, which manages the building:

“The money will be used to repair and renovate the eastern wing of the building and we expect builders to start work next summer.”

Full story on:
This Is Cornwall

More information on:
Borlase Smart John Wells Trust

Monday, 16 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - November Competition - Answer

I may have been tryng to be a bit too clever or obscure with this month's competition:
St Ives Cornwall - November Competition

'Take a look at the photo above - you can click on it to see a larger version. Where am I in St Ives ?'

The answer is:
The narrow alleyway running past Barnoon Gospel Hall between Bowling Green Terrace and Barnoon.

Part of one of my favourite walks - up from Bedford Road and through the lanes and alleys above then down to Tate St Ives and Porthmeor Beach.

Google Map:

I promise I'll try to make the next competition a bit easier !

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Surf on Porthmeor Beach

Porthmeor Beach St Ives - 15th November 2009

Sun and blue skies finally returned to St Ives today after the storms of the last few days.

I enjoyed a nice walk along Porthmeor Beach. Good to be out after being stuck inside sheltering from the rain for most of the weekend.

Hope you enjoy the video - filmed this afternoon.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - What's On This Week

Harbour Beach - St Ives Cornwall

Another varied week ahead of entertainment and things to do.

Tonight (14th) there is a choice of live music. Heart and Soul are at The Queens Hotel - local band playing soul, motown and funk. Keith Hills is at The Western - singer, songwriter, guitarist. Both gigs start at 9.00 pm and are free.

On Sunday (15th) there is more live music at The Western - 50s and 60s Teenbeat Rock and Roll - music and cabaret. Starts at 8.30 pm and entry is by donation - this is a fundraiser for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

On Monday (16th) you might try St Ives Now and Then - a guided tour of town. Starts at 11.00 am, meet outside The Guildhall and cost is £5.00 per person.

On Tuesday (17th) St Ives Knitting Group meets at 7.00 pm at St Ives Library. All are welcome, help and tuition is available. Free apart from a small contribution to the tea and biscuits fund.

On Wednesday (18th) there is a Blues Session with local musicians at The Golden Lion. Starts at 9.00 pm free entry.

On Thursday (19th) St Ives Farmers Market is open from 9.30 am to 2.00 pm at St Ives Backpackers. A great selection of local produce. Thursday is also my birthday - so feel free to send me birthday greetings if you want !

Movies at The Royal Cinema this week include:
  • The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus
  • The Fourth Kind
  • 9
  • Fantastic Mr Fox
  • Up
  • Broken Embraces
  • The Twilight Saga: New Moon
  • Aliens In The Attic
Times and prices vary - details on:
Royal Cinema Website

More events on my:
St Ives Events Calendar

Thursday, 12 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - Winter Is Coming

St Ives Cornwall - November 12 2009 - 09.15 am.

Today it feels like Winter is coming early to St Ives and I feel like I have one of the best jobs in the world.

Sitting in a warm office at home and doing something I love - my web sites and web projects.

Right now I've got lots of projects and smaller jobs on the go which is great:

Also today is my younger daughter's 17th birthday so -
Happy Birthday Dorcas!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - Shops

Trims Greengrocers - Now Sadly Closed

I was really surprised when I got back from holiday in Spain to discover that another long established shop in town has closed - Trims Greengrocers.

I don't know the full story but I heard that they closed down suddenly, with only a couple of days notice. Also that they're closed for good. If you know any different let me know.

That leaves us with just one specialist greengrocer in town, although the Co-Op sell a fairly good range of fruit and veg as well. Also just one family butcher (there were three) and one fishmonger.

St Ives Farmers market has some great stuff - but that's only once a week.

I don't know why Trims closed - it may have just been a personal decision by the owners. But I hope that we don't lose more "everyday items" shops over the coming months.

With Woolworths now gone there are several things that are hard to find in St Ives and require a trip to Penzance or Truro. Here is my (extremely random) personal list - please add your own in the comments if you want:
  • Shoelaces.
  • CD-Rs.
  • Music CDs.
  • DVDs.
  • Everday clothes - we don't wear fisherman's smocks all of the time.
  • Work clothes - unless you have a job as a surfer.
  • Children's toys.
  • Electrical goods - tellys, radios etc.
  • Lighter fuel for Zippos.
  • Art materials - canvas, brushes, paints etc.
  • Pens and inks.
  • Kitchen stuff - pots and pans etc.

Monday, 9 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - November Competition

From now on I'm hoping to run a monthly competition here on the blog and my OneStIves website.

So here is the first - the prize is a copy of the guidebook -
St Ives and Trips in the Vicinity by Julia Kaufhold.

One of my passtimes in St Ives is finding obscure routes and pathways around town. So the question is:

Where am I in St Ives ?

Take a look at the photo above - you can click on it to see a larger version.

There is only one prize - so I also need a tiebreaker:

Where am I going and why ?

Responses can be as witty, funny or insulting as you want !

The editors decision is final - though I may consult some of my blog friends if I'm stuck.

Post your answers below as comments.

Closing date is Saturday 14th November and I'll post the winning entry, plus any honourable mentions, here.

If you'd like to offer a competition prize in exchange for some free publicity for your business and website please do get in touch.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Christmas in St Ives Cornwall

Christmas Lights - St Ives Cornwall

Only a few weeks now until Christmas - can't wait !

I thought I'd feature a few ideas to help you with food and gifts.

Its time to order you turkey (or duck, goose, rabbit .... whatever) and the place to do that is Harvey Brothers - the best family butcher in town. Their website features a selection of what they have on offer and you can buy online. If you don't see what you want simply give them a call and they can get it for you:
Harvey Brothers - Family Butchers

If you want to go out for Christmas Day lunch - The Western Hotel are now taking bookings. They're offering a seven course menu with starter, fish course, sorbet, main course, dessert, Cornish cheeses, coffee and mince pies. There will be a fully licenced bar with a selection of wines, real ales, spirits and soft drinks.

 If you're looking for a unique and original gift you could commission a unique piece of art.

Local artist Malcolm Bowmer can produce either a stylised Warhol style portrait or a unique caricature for you from a photo. This will then be printed and framed, or he can produce Christmas cards using the image:

Malcolm Bowmer - Stylised Portraits and Caricatures

Another local artist - Caroline Atkinson - can produce a personalised original painting for you with your names written in the sand of your favourite beach. This can also be used to produce Christmas cards if you wish. She also undertakes commisions and can work from a photograph:

Caroline Atkinson - Personalised Paintings

St Ives textile artist Jo McIntosh produces a range of handmade bags, scarves and jewellery. Every piece is unique and she can produce a piece exactly as you want. She also runs textile workshops and offers one to one tuition. You can buy a gift voucher for your loved one that they can use for any workshop that they choose:

Jo McIntosh - Handmade Textile Art

 I hope that you found this helpful - any other suggestions are welcome.

For more ideas and info visit:

Christmas In St Ives Cornwall

Saturday, 7 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - What's On This Week

Amina Figarova - St Ives Jazz Club - Tuesday

Town is much quieter now but still plenty going on.

Tonight (7th) there is live music at The Western with singer / songwriter / guitarist Ben Warner. Starts at 9.00 pm free entry.

On Sunday (8th) Four Lanes Male Choir are performing at The Festival of Remembrance - St Anta Church Carbis Bay. Admission is by programme on the door and it starts at 7.30 pm. This will be preceded in the morning by services of remembrance at St Ives Parish Church and laying of poppies at the war memorial.

On Monday (9th) there is the weekly pub quiz at The Castle Inn starting at 8.00 pm.

On Tuesday (10th) St Ives Jazz Club are staging Amina Figarova at The Western. 'She plays compelling, artful and heartfelt changes on the urbane, bluesy lyricism originally developed by the likes of Miles Davis'. Doors open at 8.00 pm, music starts at 9.00 pm. Entry on the door is £9.00 / £6.00 (members).

Wednesday (11th) sees St Ives Folk at The Western. Starts at 8.00 pm free entry.

On Thursday (12th) there is a Gala Concert at St Ives Guildhall - part of the Speech and Drama Festival. A chance to see some great young local performers. It starts at 7.00 pm, entry is £2.00 on the door, under 16s free.

On Friday (13th) is the lalest in Will Sleath's World Classics concerts at St Ives Arts Club. This month it is Music of Azerbaijan - an ensemble of six 'Ashig' musicians featuring saz, balaban, percussion & vocals.

Exhibitions this week include:
If you fancy a night at the movies St Ives Cinema's programme this week includes:
  • Couple's Retreat
  • Cirque Du Freak
  • Saw VI
  • The Invention of Lying
  • Fantastic Mr Fox
  • Up
  • 35 Rhums
  • Aliens in the Attic
As ever more is on my:
St Ives Events Calendar

Please let me know of any events you would like to see included.

You can also post your own events if you join:
St Ives Social Network

Friday, 6 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - Blogs

Blog - Love Stitching Red - Carolyn Saxby

I thought I'd feature a few other St Ives blogs that are well worth a look.

Love Stitching Red is by textile artist Carolyn Saxby. Her blog is full of wonderful images of her work, wildlife, nature and other things that inspire her work.

St Ives Lizzy is new to the St Ives blogosphere. Her main preoccupation so far seems to be The X-Factor. But Liz always has plenty to say in the "real world" of St Ives so no doubt there will be lots more on the blog. Worth watching.

Sea Blue Sky and Abstracts is by St Ives artist Lesley Ninnes. She writes really well about her work and life in St Ives, illustrated with some great pictures.

Art Space Gallery (Lesley is a member) have a nice blog featuring members work, latest exhibitions and news about the gallery.

Photos and Philosophy is by Jacob ross Bodilly and the main focus is on photography. Some great photos of scenes in St Ives - very different from the usual pics of the bay and the harbour found on other blogs (like mine !). Also lots of photos taken elsewhere.

Given that St Ives is such a hotbed of creative activity I'm surprised that there aren't more local blogs.

Let me know if I've missed any - and think about starting your own, its great fun.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - Bonfire Night

Porthminster Beach St Ives Cornwall - Novenber 5th 2009

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - Autumn

St Ives Cornwall - Storm Passes Over

St Ives Cornwall - Blue Skies Return

Autumn has really got under way in St Ives today - some sunshine, blustery heavy showers and cold winds.

I've ventured out a few times to get some air and enjoy the views. I really do like Autumn !

I took some pictures of the contrasting skies as a heavy storm came over then passed on eastwards.

But mostly I've been working in my office as usual on various Internet projects.

I've started updating my St Ives What's On Calendar again - with events running up to Christmas at Arts Club, St Ives Theatre, Jazz Club, Tate Gallery and The Western. Please do let me know of any events that I can add !

I've also been working on a new version of my OneStIves website - with a much better design. Its still nowhere near complete as I've got a lot of content to transfer from you old site, plus some brand new stuff. Check it out - comments and ideas welcome:

I'm also working to extend and improve the St Ives Network site - a sort of "FaceBook for St Ives". Please do join if you're interested - you can add your own blog posts, events, pictures and all sorts of other stuff. I'm hoping to really build this site up over the coming weeks:

More coming soon.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

What's On In St Ives Cornwall

Royal Cinema - St Ives Cornwall

Apologies for my absence from the blog for a while - I've been enjoying a short break in Torrevieja Spain.

I'll be posting regularly from now on and I thought I'd start with my usual round up of what's on in town over the coming week.

Quiz fans now have a choice of two regular weekly pub quizzes. On Sunday night (25th) there is one at The Queens Hotel, on Monday night (26th) there is one at The Castle Inn. Both start at 8.00pm and run through to around 11.00 pm.

On Tuesday (27th) St Ives Jazz Club are staging Steve Waterman with Ralph Freeman Trio. 'Renowned as one of the top British jazz trumpet players both at home and on the European and international scene.' Entry on the door is £6.00 for members and £9.00 for non-members. Doors open at 8.00pm, music starts at 9.00pm and will finish around 11.00 pm.
St Ives Jazz Club

On Wednesday (28th) Jo McIntosh is running a workshop for children in St Ives Library - Making Christmas Cards. The cost is £2.00 and it runs from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm. You're advised to book as these workshops are very popular - call in at the library or phone 0300 1234 100. Parents are welcome to stay on if they wish to help out and have fun making their own cards.
St Ives Library

On Thursday (29th) there doesn't seem to be live music or anything else on so you might try a night at the movies. The Royal Cinema offers a choice from Michael Jackson This Is It, Fantastic Mr Fox and Up. Times and prices are on their website.
Royal Cinema

On Friday (30th) Tate St Ives have Late At The Tate. You can view the current exhibition - The Dark Monarch - Magic & Modernity in British Art. There is also a Silent Disco - experience the surreal at this extraordinary disco, where music is played through wireless headphones. Galleries open from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm. Disco from 7.00 pm to 11.00 pm. Entry is free but you are advised to book tickets. Visit their website or call 01736 796226.
Late At The Tate

On Saturday (31st) The Lifeboat Inn are holding two Hallowe'en parties. One for children - starting at 4.00 pm and ending at 7.30 pm. Another for adults starting at 8.00 pm and running until late. Entry for both is free.

As ever there is more on my:
St Ives Events Calendar

Thursday, 1 October 2009

In Love With St Ives - Open Studio Days

Porthmeor Studios St Ives. Photo: Steve Wilde

This is a guest post by Julia Kaufhold - author and publisher of the wonderful little guidebook - St Ives and Trips In The Vicinity / St Ives und Trips in die Umgebung.

This post is in both German and English.

Julia is a regular visitor to town and I hope she'll be sending more posts.

Verliebt in St Ives – Open Studio Days

Ja, man kann auch in einen Ort verliebt sein. Ich bin es: in St Ives. Wenn ich als Deutsche dorthin reise – wie gerade im September wieder einmal – fühle ich ich mich jedes Mal wie in einer anderen Welt. Und das ist nicht bloß so daher gesagt. St Ives ist für mich wie eine kleine Insel irgendwo auf der Welt, vielleicht im Nichts, vielleicht in Griechenland, mit vier Stränden ringsherum, eindrucksvoller Klippenküste und im Innern drängen sich Künstler und unzählige Galerien in den kleinen Gassen.

Besonders gut gefallen mir die sogenannten OPEN STUDIO DAYS im Rahmen des alljährlichen September Festivals. Dann öffnen St Ives-Künstler mehrere Tage lang ihre privaten Ateliers für Besucher und zeigen, woran sie gerade arbeiten. Sonst sieht man ihre Werke ja nur fertig in Galerien; hier hat man hingegen die einmalige Chance den Künstlern über die Schulter zu schauen, künstlerische Vorarbeiten zu sehen, Fragen zu stellen und Zutritt zu sonst verschlossenen Räumen zu haben.

Nirgendwo sonst im Südwesten Englands gibt es diese Mischung aus unangetastet Traditionell-beschaulichem (wie man sich es vorstellt), wilder Natur und kultureller Abwechslung. Toll!

In love with St Ives – Open Studio Days

Yes, one can be in love with a place. At least I am: I fell in love with St Ives. When I visit St Ives – as in September this year – each time I feel like I was in another word. And that's not just said. St Ives is like a small island set somewhere, or hidden in nowhere, maybe Greece, with four beaches around, an impressive cliff coast and lots of artists and galleries in the cobbled streets.

What I like most are the so called OPEN STUDIO DAYS as part of the annual September Festival. For this occasion St Ives artists open their private studios for a few days and show visitors what they currently work on. Normally you see their work only in a finished state in one of the galleries; here you have the opportunity to see art in progress, preliminary studies that may never be publicly shown, and the artists are pleased to answer questions.

Really a unique experience!

The St Ives Guidebook is available to buy online:

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

St Ives Jazz Club

Amina Figarova - Tuesday 10th November 2009

St Ives Jazz Club have just announced their programme for October to December 2009.

They'll be meeting every Tuesday night at The Western Hotel.
Doors open 8.00pm music starts 9.00pm with two sets until around 11.30pm.
Entry on the door is £9.00 or £6.00 for members.

As ever they've booked top class jazz musicians from Cornwall, around the UK and Europe.
  • Kit Downes Trio
  • Roger Beaujolais
  • Kris Gayle
  • Steve Waterman
  • McCormack Yarde Duo
  • Amina Figarova and Bart Platteau
  • Will Collier 7
  • D'Agostino & Oxley
  • Jazz Degree Tutors Ensemble (Truro College)
  • Tommaso Starace
  • Jimmy Cannon
The season ends with a Christmas Party Gala Night on 22nd December.
The club then closes until 19th January.

I've just updated their website with full details of the new programme:

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Woolworths - St Ives Cornwall

Woolworths - Fore Street - St Ives Cornwall

An update on what is happening to poor old Woollies in St Ives.

I know from my Google Analytics that a lot of people are interested.

The answer is - absolutely nothing.

It still stands sadly derelict on Fore Street - a scene that I guess is repeated on many small town High Streets.

Rumours over the past months have included occupation by:
  • Stringfellows Lap Dancing Club.
  • Tesco Metro.
  • Anns Cottage Surf Shop.
  • Gordon Ramsay.
  • Rick Stein
My hope is that one of my favourite shops - Tins and Things - embarks on a massive expansion drive and takes on the lease.

Or maybe turn over the whole place to the local kids as a brilliant indoor skateboard park.

For now the place remains sadly empty.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

St Ives September Festival

St Ives September Festival 2009

I've not blogged as much or as well for the last few days as I've been so occupied with festival events.

I've put a summary of what I've been doing on the:
St Ives September Festival Blog

I've also been pulling together a few videos - hope you enjoy the one above.
More to come.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

St Ives Cornwall - Social Network

St Ives Cornwall - Social Network

Update - October 2013
The network that I set up has now been replaced by my popular St Ives Community page on Facebook - click below to visit and please "Like" - 
OneStives - St Ives Cornwall

I've just set up a new Social Networking site for St Ives:

St Ives Cornwall Network

Our own little version of FaceBook.

Its still in the early stages and I'm not sure how it will work out.
I'm still playing around with some of the features.

But if you'd like to give it a go please do sign up.
Its free and quick to do so.

You can add events, set up groups, upload pictures and lots more.

So why not give it a go.

As ever any feedback welcome.