Monday, 8 October 2018

Allan Apple Day in St Ives

Allan Apple Day - St Ives Cornwall
Allan Apple Day - St Ives Cornwall

Allan Apple day celebrates the ancient tradition of Alantide – from the Cornish – “Kalan Gwav” meaning “first day of winter.” A Cornish festival traditionally celebrated at the end of October, beginning of November.

This pre-Christian festival; similar to many celebrations around this time of year. is probably connected to the little known Cornish Saint. Allen or Arlan.

One of the most important parts of this festival was the giving of “Allan Apples” – ideally a large, glossy, well-polished red apple; given to family and friends as a symbol of good luck. Games such as “ducking apples” would be played – now of course connected with Halloween.

In some parts of West Cornwall children would take home their apple to hide in their beds! In St. Ives young ladies would take their apples to place under their pillows and; hopefully dream of their sweetheart to be!!!!!

On Saturday 27th October 2018 Allan Apples will be distributed in the area outside Mountain Warehouse, on Fore Street between 12.00 and 2.00 pm.

Bob Devereux, Ray Lloyd ,Toni Carver, Nicole Tesseyman, Phil Saward and others will be on hand to add to the festivities.

The apples - and entertainment will be free – but donations are invited for “The Friends of Edward Hain Hospital.”

More events in St Ives can be found on -
St Ives Cornwall - What's On

Thursday, 27 September 2018

St Ives Shanty Shout 2018

St Ives Shanty Shout 2018
St Ives Shanty Shout 2018

St Ives Shanty Shout offers an unforgettable weekend of sea shanty singing, from some of the best groups in the land, over the weekend of 23/24 November 2018.

Now in its third year, the event, hosted by Bamaluz Bootleggers, with sponsorship from local businesses, the 2018 shout will feature more than 20 groups (including the legendary Kimbers Men travelling down from Yorkshire) singing at multiple venues in the town.

These include the Castle Inn, Golden Lion, Surf Shack and Pilchard Press, all within easy walking distance of each other.

Hoping to make a return this year are: ACapella Moonshine, Aggie Boys Choir, Bamaluz Bootleggers, Bencoolan Wreckers, Bone Idol (Scilly Boys), Bryher's Boys, Cadgwith Singers, Cape Cornwall Singers, Du Hag Owr, Falmouth Shout, Kimber's Men, Nauti Buoys, Oggymen, Pirates Of St Piran, Rum And Shrub, Stamp And Go, Stuns'ls, The Two Anchors, Thraw'd Together plus other new groups.

Entry to all the venues is free, so show your support by drinking their beer while you listen to shanty groups with a diverse range of sizes and styles. Whether you like your singers in civvies, dressed as sailors or even pirates there will be something special for you.

This year the event's nominated charity is Cornwall Air Ambulance and its New Heli Appeal.

For more information, visit or check out the event’s Facebook page.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

St Ives September Festival - Parish Church Music

St Ives Parish Church - September Festival 2018
St Ives Parish Church - September Festival 2018

St Ives Parish Church have a programme of  concerts running through
St Ives September Festival.

Sunday 9th September 5.30 pm - Free (Offertory)
Inaugural Choral Solemn Evensong

Monday 10th September 8.00 pm - £7.50
A Grand Tour of Europe in Music

Tuesday 11th September 8.00 pm - £7.50
Saxy Maids

Thursday 13th September 8.00 pm - £7.50
Corineus Quartet

Friday 14th September 8.00 pm - £7.50
Gilli Posnansky and Mark Tanner: Flute and Piano

Saturday 15th September 8.00 pm - £7.50
Cornish Roots Big Band

Sunday 16th September 3.00 pm - Free (retiring collection)
Celtic Fiddlers

Sunday 16th September 8.00 pm - £7.50
Bechstein Ensemble

Monday 17th September 8.00 pm - £7.50
Spyralz: Jazz Fusion Quartet

Tuesday 18th September 8.00 pm - £7.50
Phoenix Singers and Gwel Trencrom Singers

Thursday 20th September 8.00 pm - £7.50
Culdrose Military Wives’ Choir

Friday 21st September 8.00 pm - £7.50
Nighthawks - Big Band

Saturday 22nd September 8.00 pm - £7.50
City of Truro Male Choir

One and all welcome - so go along to enjoy music in the historic setting of our Mediaeval Church.

Tickets are available over the counter from St Ives Visitor Information Centre at The Guildhall.

You can book tickets online from CRBO here:
St Ives September Festival - St Ives Parish Church - Tickets

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Creative Crafts Workshops In St Ives

Creative Crafts Workshops In St Ives
Creative Crafts Workshops In St Ives

Glass Art Workshops in St Ives - with glass artist Terri Bunn.
Taster workshops - 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm - cost £30.00.
Half day workshops - 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm - cost £60.00.
Full day workshops - 10.00 am to 5.00 pm - cost £120.00.
To book - call Terri on 01736 601968 - or message on Facebook.
St Ives Glass Art - Facebook

Candle Votives
Thursday 21st June - 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Thursday 5th July - 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.
You will learn to cut glass, design and create one candle votive and one tea light dish, using paint, crushed glass, frit, stringers, glass confetti and powder.

Glass Jewellery
Saturday 23rd June - 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Monday 9th July - 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
You will create three fused glass jewellery items of your choice, i.e. pendant, cuff-links, earrings, brooch. You will learn how to cut glass and design and create your items using glass paint, powder, frit, stringers, glass confetti, crushed glass and inclusions i.e. wire and copper sheet.

Glass Recycling
Monday 25th June - 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Saturday 14th July  - 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
Monday 16th July - 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Make items from recycled glass to fuse and re-purpose into something beautiful. You will learn how to smash glass :) , and use this crushed glass, along with other cut glass to make a variety of items for use as pictures, dishes, spoon rests, sun catchers, garden ornaments, candle votives, etc. The limit is your imagination.

Glass Art Taster Workshop.
Tuesday 26th June - 10.00 am to 12.00 pm.
Monday 2nd July - 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
You will learn how to cut glass, design and create a coaster or sun catcher.

Creative Crafts Workshops in St Ives - with textile artist Jo McIntosh.
Two hour workshops running from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Each session costs £10.00 inc. materials.
Jo can also run workshops on a topic to suit you - get in touch.
To book - call Jo on 01736 797122 - or message on Facebook.
Jo McIntosh - Facebook

Boho Jewellery - Thursday 28th June.
Come and play with beads and buttons to make fun jewellery ready for the festival season and the summer

Fabric Scrap Brooches - Thursday 5th July.
Make brooches from all those fabric scraps, threads, sweet wrappers etc., you couldn't bear to throw away.

Wild Weaving - Thursday 12th July.
Make a simple loom and use colourful textured yarns to create your own piece of textile art.

Monday, 21 May 2018

St Ives Parish Church - Lunchtime Concerts

St Ives Parish Church - Lunchtime Concerts
St Ives Parish Church - Lunchtime Concerts

St Ives Parish Church have a programme of Lunchtime Concerts running through to August - every Tuesday.

22-May - Kenwyn Quartet - Strings.
29-May - Terry McLavey - Organ.
05-Jun - Gabrielle Lewis - Organ.
12-Jun - Christine Luing and Friends - Singers.
19-Jun - Jez Kemp - Piano.
26-Jun - Michael Hoeg - Organ.
03-Jul - St Ives Male Voice Praise - Choir.
10-Jul - John Shirley - Piano.
17-Jul - Phil Davey - Organ.
24-Jul - Pippa Drummond - Flute.
31-Jul - Amati Trio and Irmtrud Agnoli - Strings and Piano.
07-Aug - Terry McLavey - Organ - from Bach to Ragtime.
14-Aug - Charles Martin - Piano.
21-Aug - Alistair Johnson - Organ.
28-Aug - Farran Roland - Voice.

All start at 12.30 pm - free entry - donations welcome.

One and all welcome - so go along to enjoy a relaxed lunchtime break and the peaceful atmosphere of our Mediaeval Church.

St Ives Parish Church also has an extensive programme of lunchtime and evening concerts during St Ives September Festival.

More details soon - tickets will be on sale in due course.

Monday, 7 May 2018

St Ives Guildhall - May and June 2018

Voodoo Room - St Ives Guildhall - Saturday 12th May
Voodoo Room - St Ives Guildhall - Saturday 12th May

A varied programme of live music and theatre at St Ives Guildhall in May and into June.

Johnny Cowling
An entertainer who likes to get among the people during his performance with a wealth of tales and yarns to spin. This gig a a fundraiser for RNLI.
Thursday 10th May 2018 at 7.30 pm.
Tickets: £10.00.
Book Tickets - Cornish Riviera Box Office

Voodoo Room
The best of Hendrix, Clapton and Cream.
No wigs – no pantomime – just great musicians playing great music!
Saturday 12th May 2018 at 8.00 pm.
Tickets: £14.00.
Book Tickets - Cornish Riviera Box Office

Baroque Theatre - Twist
Tarantino meets British farce in the comedy thriller that will have you guessing until the shocking end!
Thursday 31st May 2018 at 7.30 pm.
Tickets: £12.00.
Book Tickets - Cornish Riviera Box Office

Chris Bannister - The Music of John Denver
This is not a tribute show, but a musical experience. With great integrity and attention to detail, Chris Bannister will entertain you with some of the best songs ever written and performed.
Friday 1st June at 7.30 pm.
Tickets: £12.00.
Book Tickets - Cornish Riviera Box Office

Daytoner - Off The Hook LP Launch
After almost 3 seasons touring UK festivals, Daytoner return home to launch their debut LP in style. With special guest DJs The Allergies and Mongolian Disco
Friday 8th June at 8.00 pm.
Tickets: £12.00.
Book Tickets - Cornish Riviera Box Office

More events in May and June - and through Summer - on:
St Ives Cornwall - What's On

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Textile Art Exhibition - Cafe Art - May 2018

 Exhibition - Jo and Ruby's Textile Medley
Exhibition - Jo and Ruby's Textile Medley

A new exhibition for May at Cafe Art.

Jo and Ruby's Textile Medley.

An exhibition of mixed media textile art.

A selection of beautiful and lovingly hand made pieces - many for sale.

The preview is on Tuesday 1st May 2018 from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm.

After that - open daily until Thursday 31st May.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Papercraft Course - St Ives Library - May 2018

Papercraft Course - St Ives Library - May 2018
Papercraft Course - St Ives Library - May 2018

Papercraft - Making Paper Fun - 8 Week Course

Get creative in St Ives this Spring.

With St Ives Textile Artist Jo McIntosh.
At St Ives Library.
In association with WEA Cornwall.

This course is intended to give students the opportunity to learn how to make, decorate and use paper to create beautiful and useful hand-made objects and will include the following:
  • Marbling paper.
  • Using marbled paper to make a book cover.
  • Make and decorate a paper mache bowl.
  • Make paper jewellery
  • Make paper boxes.
  • Learn a decoupage technique.
  • Learn card making techniques.
No skills or experience needed.
This course is suitable for beginners and improvers.

Starts Tuesday 15th May 2018.
Then weekly for 8 weeks - on Tuesday evenings - 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm.
Cost: £62.00 for 8 sessions.
Free places available for those on qualifying benefits.

Advance booking for this course is essential.
You cannot just turn upon the day.
If there are not enough students it will be cancelled.

To book contact Workers Educational Association (WEA):
Online Booking - Papercraft - Making Paper Fun

Or call WEA on:
0300 303 3464

Please quote course reference:

Papercraft Course - St Ives Library - May 2018

Thursday, 5 April 2018

FunDay Sundays - Cafe Art St Ives

FunDay Sundays - Cafe Art St Ives
FunDay Sundays - Cafe Art St Ives

FunDay Sundays at Cafe Art - a chance to get creative and have fun.

The cafe is on Royal Square in the centre of town.
All welcome - including kids of all ages.
Lovely fresh food and coffee in a friendly relaxed atmosphere.

Cost is £5.00 per person, all are from 1.00 - 4.00 p.m.
Leave your details in Cafe Art for whichever you want to try -
or just turn up on the day.

Sunday 8th April -
Concertina Books with the talented Nina Fenner.

Sunday 15th April -
Shabby Chic Collage with stitcher extraordinaire Christina Mills.

Sunday 22nd April -
Clay Tiles Stamping with marvellous Mars M-Low.

Also on Sunday 29th April - Stash Swap.
An opportunity for crafters to bring along your unwanted treasure and exchange it for someone else's unwanted treasure.

More Info:
Cafe Art - Facebook

Monday, 12 February 2018

G4 and Phoenix Singers - St Ives Guildhall

G4 - St Ives Guildhall
G4 - St Ives Guildhall - 15 March

The multi-platinum selling vocal harmony group G4 will be returning to St Ives in March - with their trademark harmonies that wow audiences wherever they go.

Thursday 15th March 2018 at St Ives Guildhall.

They will be re-creating their unique take on songs such as Bohemian Rhapsody, My Way, Nessun Dorma and Creep plus recent tracks from their latest G4 Love Songs album

More info:
G4 - Facebook

Phoenix Singers - St Ives
Phoenix Singers - St Ives
St Ives choir - Phoenix Singers - will also be performing.

Phoenix meet and rehearse every Tuesday evening at St Ives Arts Club.
New members are always welcome - subject to a simple audition.
More info on:
Phoenix Singers St Ives - Facebook

Tickets for the concert are are £25.50.

VIP tickets are also available - £65.00 - which includes seats in the front two rows and a Meet and Greet with G4 at 6.00 pm.

Tickets are available over the counter from St Ives Guildhall
or online from:
Cornish Riviera Box Office - G4

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Community Month - February - Café Art St Ives

Cafe Art - St Ives Cornwall
Café Art - St Ives Cornwall

A month of events at Cafe Art on Royal Square in the centre of St Ives - focussed on the local community.

"For the whole month of February, Café Art in St Ives is hosting ‘Community Month’. Centering around the St Ives Charter, which was launched in 2017, there will be a lively programme of free events, meetings, workshops, crafts and more – bringing people together to celebrate our rich and vibrant community life. The St Ives Charter will be displayed on the walls, along with interactive maps of community organisations and the Charter itself, which individuals and organisations can read, sign and endorse."
Café Art owner - Lucy Davis,

While some contributors will ask for donations and there will be some fundraisers, all events are free of charge. For more information call
01736 799 450, pop in to the Café or visit:
Café Art Facebook Page

February 2018

Sun 4th - 10.00 am – 5.00 pm.
St Ives Skate Park - information and fundraiser.

Mon 12th - 2.00 - 4.00 pm.
Cornish Conversation for beginners “Yeth an Werin”, informal drop-in.

Wed 14th - 6.00 - 8.00 pm.
Cornwall Writers Group - informal group, all welcome.

Fri 16th - 7.00 - 9.00 pm.
St Ives Charter Evening. Community Quiz, cheese and wine.

Sun 18th - 11.00 am  - 3.00 pm.
Lino Cutting and Printing with Mars Martineau-Low.

Mon 19th - 2.00 - 4.00 pm.
Cornish Conversation for beginners “Yeth an Werin”, informal drop-in.

Mon 19th -  5.30 - 7.00 pm.
Talk: History of St Ives, by Janet Axten.

Wed 21st - 7.00 - 9.00 pm.
St Ives Mariner - 50 Years at Sea - a talk by Master Mariner Eric Kemp.

Fri 23rd - 2.00 - 4.00 pm.
Stash Swap - for crafters, sewers and knitters.
Get rid of unwanted stuff, swap it for more useful stuff!

Sun 25th - 10.00 am - 4.00 pm.
Community Orchard.
Learn more about the orchard plus ....
11.00 am - Flower Felting Workshop.
3.00 pm - Talk: Bees and Trees.

Mon 26th - 7.00 pm.
Film “Ghost Town”, housing and community in St Ives.

Wed 28th - 2.00 - 4.00 pm.
St Ives in Stiches - Community Sewing Project.

Every Tuesday - 3.00 - 5.00 pm.
Knitting Group - all welcome.
Help available for beginners.

Every Thursday - 3.00 - 5.00 pm.
Drawing Group - all welcome.
Help available for beginners.

More Info:
Celebrating St Ives Community In February - Facebook

You might also like:

A workshop with Jo Mcintosh - Sunday 11th February 2018:
Get To Know Your Sewing Machine

More events through February - and the rest of 2018 - on:
St Ives Cornwall - What's On

If you are interested in advertising your events on my St Ives Whats's On - get in touch:
One St Ives - Facebook

Thursday, 25 January 2018

What's On In St Ives Cornwall - February 2018

What's On In St Ives Cornwall - February 2018
What's On In St Ives Cornwall - February 2018

A varied selection of events around town in February.
Lots going on here even in the depths of Winter!

St Ives Feast
Our traditional feast day with traditions going back hundreds of years, celebrating the consecration of the Parish Church of St Eia in 1434.
Monday 5th February - starting at 9.30 am with a procession to Venton Ia Well at Porthmeor.
Followed at 10.30 am with the Hurling of the Silver Ball from St Ives Parish Church, various other events, then the Return of the Silver Ball to The Guildhall at 12.00 noon.
Video - St Ives Feast

St Ives Arts Club
Exhibition - A Storm Over St Ives.
An abundance of colour in textiles and metalwork.
Sharon McSwiney and Alison Dupernex.
Saturday 10th - Friday 23rd February - daily from 10.30 am to 4.00 pm.
Sharon McSwiney - Facebook

St Ives In Stitches
An opportunity to join this community project which is being run once a month in the Salvation Army Hall. Members of the group are recreating the buildings around the harbour using fabric and stitches.  Everything is provided and everyone is welcome whatever their level of sewing skill.
Wednesday 21st February - from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm.
St Ives In Stitches - Facebook

St Ives Parish Church - Fab-u-ary
 A day of music with with Phoenix Singers St Ives, Culdrose Military Wives, visiting musicians, solo singers and more.
Saturday 24th February.
Phoenix Singers - Facebook

The Castle Inn
Continuing their tradition of keeping things going for both locals and visitors through Winter, not just in the main tourist season.
The popular Fun Pub Quiz with Lovely Auntie Liz is on every Monday night at 8.30 pm.
Plus live music every weekend - although dates may vary slightly so check out:
The Castle Inn - Facebook

The Castle Inn - Bamaluz Bootleggers - Fundraiser Quiz Night
A fun pub quiz to raise funds for the Bamaluz Bootleggers.
Entry is £2.00 per person, pasties will be on sale on the night.
Wednesday 21st February at 7.30 pm.
Bamaluz Bootleggers - Facebook

St Ives Library
Community events through the week including Bounce and Rhyme for little ones and parents on Wednesdays, Family History Group on Fridays, monthly Sewing Group on Friday 9th February and Poetry Circle on Friday 2nd and Friday 16th. Plus a new programme of further education courses - for more info go to:
St Ives Library - Facebook

St Ives Farmers Market
Fresh local produce, made in Cornwall crafts, music and a wonderful cafe. Every Thursday from 9.30 am to 2.00 pm at St Ives Guildhall - all year round. Recently awarded the title of "Best Farmers Market in the South West" by Taste of the West.
St Ives Farmers Market - Facebook

Jo McIntosh - Knit One Weave One
Get creative with Creative Crafts and Textile Art Workshops.
For adults, families and children.
Contact Jo for more info - call 01736 797 122. or message via:
Knit One Weave One - Facebook

Community Month at Cafe Art St Ives
A programme of events focussed on the local community including:
Tuesday 20th Feb - 2.00 to 4.00 - Knitting Surgery - whether you would like to learn how to knit or have problems with what the abbreviations mean or need to learn more knitting techniques come along to the knitting surgery to get help.
Friday 23rd Feb - 2.00 to 4.00 - Stash Swap - for all you crafty people here is an opportunity to have a clear out of your stash and see what other people have in their stashes which might be more useful to you.
Wednesday 28th Feb - 2.00 to 4.00 - St Ives In Stitches (see details above for Wed 21st Feb).

More events through February - and the rest of 2018 - on:
St Ives Cornwall - What's On

Looking ahead to March:

Live music at St Ives Guildhall:
G4 and Phoenix Singers St Ives

Live music at St Ives Arts Club:
Nick Harper

If you are interested in advertising your events on my St Ives Whats's On - get in touch:
One St Ives - Facebook

Thursday, 18 January 2018

St Ives Arts Club - Spring Exhibitions

St Ives Arts Club - Exhibition
St Ives Arts Club - Exhibitions

The first exhibition of the new season opens at St Ives Arts Club on Saturday 10th February 2018.

A Storm Over St Ives.

An abundance of colour in textiles and metalwork.

Sharon McSwiney and Alison Dupernex.

Open daily from 10.30 am to 4.00 pm until Friday 23rd February 2018.

More exhibitions at the club follow through Spring and Summer including:
  • Arts Club Members Easter Exhibition.
  • Christine Penberthy and Barbara Hoy.
  • Alan Holmes.
  • Catherine Vondrak.
  • Lesley Doswell & Darren Clarke.
Also a new production by Imago Theatre Company
and live music with Nick Harper.

More details of the Spring and Summer programme on:
St Ives Arts Club - What's On

More events in St Ives on:
St Ives Cornwall - What's On

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

St Ives Buses - Winter Timetable

St Ives Cornwall - Buses - Local Services
St Ives Cornwall - Buses - Local Services

Local bus services from St Ives Bus Company will continue to operate through the Winter.

Route 1 runs from Penbeagle, through Ayr to Royal Square then on to Carbis Bay, Lelant and Hayle.
Then returns to St Ives via the same route.

Details of timetable and route can be found on:
St Ives Buses - Website

More routes will re-start in Spring including regular services to / from the car parks, the town centre and Porthmeor Beach.

In the meantime - park and ride services - for coaches parking by arrangement at St Ives Coach Park at the top of The Stennack - also continue to run as needed. More info on:
St Ives Coach Park - Website

Latest news and info will be posted on:
St Ives Buses - Facebook

Monday, 8 January 2018

St Ives Library - Education Hub - New Courses

St Ives Cornwall - Education Hub
St Ives Cornwall - Education Hub

There is a new programme of courses for 2018 at the Education Hub
at St Ives Library.

Run in association with Workers Educational Association (WEA) Cornwall and Penwith College.

Details of the first four - on a varied and interesting range of subjects - are below.

Free places are available on the WEA courses if you are on qualifying benefits. Use the links for each to check details - or call in at the library for more help.

Also - advance booking is essential - you can't just turn up on the day.

If there are not enough students booked in advance the courses will be cancelled. Which would be a shame ... after all the hard work that the library team and others have put in to get this programme up and running ... and after so many people have said that they want to see further education courses return to St Ives.

So please book!
Or call in at the library for more info and help if you need it.

Digital Photography For Beginners.
Starts: Monday 15th January.
10 weeks - evenings - 6.00 to 8.00 pm.
This course covers basic camera techniques coupled with Adobe Photoshop.
Info and booking:
Penwith College - Course Details ......

Exploring Print and Paper - with St Ives Textile Artist Jo McIntosh.
Starts: Tuesday 30th January.
8 weeks - evenings - 7.00 to 9.00 pm.
This course will cover a range of techniques including collage, eco printing, making fabric paper, how to hand dye paper, simple screenprinting, how to make envelopes, make a concertina book and how to make an altered book from an old book.
Info and booking:
WEA Cornwall - Course Details ......

Cornish Folklore and Traditions.
Starts: Monday 5th February.
6 weeks - evenings - 7.00 to 9.00 pm.
Cornwall is well known for its folk customs e.g. the Padstow Obby Oss, Helston Furry Day, St Columb Major hurling etc. with some living customs going back to the medieval catholic 'broad church' days of St George and Robin Hood. Recent revivals include Golowan. This course will explore possible origins and purpose of folklore and folk customs using the following themes - celebrating the seasons, rites of passage, protection against evil, social control and sense of place.
Info and booking:
WEA Cornwall - Course Details ......

Creative Writing For Performance.
Starts: Wednesday 7th February.
6 weeks - afternoons - 1.00 to 3.00 pm.
A course for aspiring writers to produce material they will be able read or perform at local arts and literature festivals.
Info and booking:
WEA Cornwall - Course Details ......

More courses and events are planned for the rest of 2018.

For more information call in at St Ives Library - on Gabriel Street in the town centre. Or - visit:

St Ives Library - Facebook

St Ives Education Hub - Facebook

Friday, 5 January 2018

What's On In St Ives - January 2018

St Ives Cornwall - Porthmeor In Winter
St Ives Cornwall - Porthmeor In Winter

A varied selection of events around town in January.
Lots going on here even in the depths of Winter!

The Castle Inn
Continuing their tradition of keeping things going for both locals and visitors through Winter, not just in the main tourist season.
The popular Fun Pub Quiz with Lovely Auntie Liz is on every Monday night at 8.30 pm.
Plus live music every weekend - although dates may vary slightly so check out:
The Castle Inn - Facebook

St Ives Community Orchard
Apple Wassail - Sunday 14th January at 3.00 pm.
A very old tradition to 'bless' the trees to produce a good harvest for the coming year.
Also - Working Parties - all welcome to come along and help to maintain the orchard. The first is on Sunday 7th January at 11.00 am. After that dates and times may vary - and more wassailing may be scheduled - so for info check out:
St Ives Community Orchard - Facebook

St Ives Library
Community events through the week including Bounce and Rhyme for little ones and parents on Wednesdays, Family History Group on Fridays, monthly Sewing Group on Friday 12th January and Poetry Workshop on Friday 19th. Plus a new programme of further education courses - for more info go to:
St Ives Library - Facebook

St Ives Farmers Market
Fresh local produce, made in Cornwall crafts, music and a wonderful cafe. Every Thursday from 9.30 am to 2.00 pm at St Ives Guildhall - all year round. Recently awarded the title of "Best Farmers Market in the South West" by Taste of the West.
The other regular markets return to The Guildhall at Easter.
St Ives Farmers Market - Facebook

St Ives Glass Art
Get creative with Taster Workshops on Tuesday 9th, Thursday 18th and Saturday 27th January. Contact Terri Bunn to book - call 01736 601 968 or message via:
St Ives Glass Art - Facebook

Pipeline Theatre - The Angels of Fore Street
A community show made by people of Camborne and Redruth.
At St Ives Theatre on Tuesday 23rd January at 7.30 pm.
"Livvy and her parents aren't from round here. They're on their way home to London when disaster strikes, their dog runs away, and they are stranded in Cornwall on Christmas Eve ...... "
Sounds interesting - and its always nice to see more theatre in town - more details and very reasonably priced tickets on:
Cornish Riviera Box Office - Angels of Fore Street

More events through January - and the rest of 2018 - on:
St Ives Cornwall - What's On

If you are interested in advertising your events on my St Ives Whats's On - get in touch:
One St Ives - Facebook