Monday, 9 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - November Competition

From now on I'm hoping to run a monthly competition here on the blog and my OneStIves website.

So here is the first - the prize is a copy of the guidebook -
St Ives and Trips in the Vicinity by Julia Kaufhold.

One of my passtimes in St Ives is finding obscure routes and pathways around town. So the question is:

Where am I in St Ives ?

Take a look at the photo above - you can click on it to see a larger version.

There is only one prize - so I also need a tiebreaker:

Where am I going and why ?

Responses can be as witty, funny or insulting as you want !

The editors decision is final - though I may consult some of my blog friends if I'm stuck.

Post your answers below as comments.

Closing date is Saturday 14th November and I'll post the winning entry, plus any honourable mentions, here.

If you'd like to offer a competition prize in exchange for some free publicity for your business and website please do get in touch.


  1. Either a Tony Blair's eye view of George Bush's fundament, or walking along the narrow alley from the wharf to Fore Street near the old Woolies.

  2. Where are you going and why?

    If you're Tony Blair then this would have been your regular trip looking for Dubbya's ring to kiss in order to gain untold riches and maybe be President of Europe one day when Emperor George deigns that it should be. But since he lost the election it's probably now your view of Silvio's big butt as you manoeuvre into position for that Presidency job.

  3. I don't know where this is - and I haven't got anymore time to go and look - but I reckon you are doing research for the new 'Ignore Your SatNav' section of the St Ives website! Gill

  4. Ah! Top o' the world, Ma! You'll have to take me there when we're next in town.

    BTW, missed Dorcas's birthday. Happy birthday to the other Scorpio in the household. xxx
