Tuesday, 29 December 2009

New Years Eve In St Ives

Fireworks - New Years Eve - St Ives Cornwall
Fireworks - New Years Eve - St Ives Cornwall

As ever there will be lots going on for New Years Eve in St Ives.

Just about every pub and bar will be staging some sort of party. The Lifeboat Inn have Karaoke. The Castle Inn have their usual fancy dress party.

The Western Hotel has live music with Killer Heels and The Dirty Livin' Rhythmn Band. Tickets are £10.00 including a buffet.

In case you are a visitor who hasn't been before - fancy dress is not compulsory but you will feel a bit out of place if you don't dress up. It also adds to the fun. Local charity shops Save The Children (High Street) and British Heart Foundation (Tregenna Place) have a good selection of costume items for sale. If you want to hire a ready-made costume you can get one from St Ives Theatre.

Restaurants always book up fast and most will be full on the night. I'd advise you to book somewhere right now if you want a sit down meal. If you're happy to eat outdoors then there will be plenty of takeaway outlets available.

If you are looking for a somewhere to stay there are still some places available at the last minute - both hotels and self catering in and around St Ives. You might try:
Cottages In Cornwall

Depending on the weather there may be fireworks on the beach at midnight. Unfortunately the current weather forecast doesn't look too good. The Met Office are currently forecasting heavy rain - but of course that could change.

Hope you have a great New Year.

Saturday, 26 December 2009

St Ives Cornwall - Christmas Day

We enjoyed a beautiful sunny Christmas Day in St Ives yesterday.

As usual we headed down to the harbour for a walk at lunchtime.

A drink at The Sloop, a walk on Harbour Beach then home.

Perfect day in St Ives. Hope you enjoy the photo gallery above.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

December Competition - Winner

St Ives Cornwall - December Competition
St Ives Cornwall - December Competition

Thanks to all who entered the December Competition.

The answer to the question -

What other delicious flavours of Cornish chocolate bars can you get:
  • Dark
  • Dark No Added Sugar
  • Coffee
  • Ginger.
The winner is Sharon Barnard with her tiebreaker:

I love chocolate because ......

Perfect as a snack or an indulgent treat,
It’s rich, creamy and deliciously sweet!

I will run another competition next month.

Monday, 21 December 2009

St Ives Cornwall - One Year of Blogging

Happy Solstice from St Ives Cornwall!

Today is the Winter Solstice - which marks the Return of the Sun.
The longest night is over and it will get lighter from now on.

Also - St Ives Cornwall Blog is one year old today!

I have really enjoyed the last 12 months of blogging and judging by the comments I've received many of you have enjoyed my posts as well.

Thanks for all your support and comments.

Here is a selection of my favourite posts - month by month:

December - Beautiful Winters Day

January - Sunrise

February - Goodbye Woolworths

April - Flooding Chaos

May - Porthmeor Sunset

June - Deep Fried Mars Bars

July - Poetry

August - Romeo and Juliet

September - Moving to St Ives

October - In Love With St Ives

November - Winter Is Coming

December - Winter Morning

I hope that you enjoy browsing through these.
Let me know what your favourite posts are.

And once again - Thanks !

Saturday, 19 December 2009

St Ives Cornwall - What's On This Week

Christmas Lights - St Ives Harbour - December 2009

Another roundup of events around town over the coming days.

Naturally this week I'll be following a Christmas and Winter Solstice theme.

Click on the player at the top right of the blog for some seasonal music while you read.

Also take a look at my Christmas Competiton where you can win a great prize.

Tonight (19th) popular singer-songwriter Nicola Clark makes a welcome return to St Ives with a gig at St Ives Arts Club. Celebrate The Light starts at 8.00 pm and tickets are £6.00 - bring your own wine.

On Monday (21st) night there is a Christmas Quiz at The Castle Inn starting at around 8.30 pm - entry is £1.00 per person, teams of up to five.

Tuesday (22nd) sees the annual Christmas Gala Night at St Ives Jazz Club. Musicians galore, guests, surprises and a buffet. Doors open at 8.00 pm and music starts at 9.00 pm. Entry on the door is £9.00 or £6.00 for members.

On Wednesday (23rd) there is a special Christmas Farmers Market at St Ives Backpackers. A chance to get some great local food for Christmas. It runs from 9.30 am until 2.30 pm.

On Thursday (24th) night there is a Karaoke Christmas Party at The Lifeboat Inn. Starts at 8.00 pm, free entry.

As ever this is just a selection of what's on in St Ives - there is much more on my:
St Ives Events Calendar

Have a great week and a wonderful Christmas.

Friday, 18 December 2009

St Ives Cornwall - Winter Morning

St Ives Cornwall - Winter Morning

A beautiful sunrise today.

Clear skies, cold, stormy seas.

I filmed this video earlier this morning.

Hope you like it.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Christmas In St Ives - Festive Friday

Christmas In St Ives Cornwall

There is loads going on in town tomorrow night (18th December) for children of all ages on the final Festive Friday before Christmas.

5.00 to 8.30 - Market Place - roundabout ride with fairground organ.

5.00 to 7.00 - Fore Street - local youth bands.

6.00 to 7.30 - Fabulous Kids - Fairy Wishes, make a Christmas wish.

6.30 to 8.30 - around town - St Ives Guisers.

6.30 to 7.30 - The Sloop - carols with Hayle and St Ives Community Choir.

6.30 - 8.30 - around town - St Ives Concert Band.

7.30 to 8.30 - around town - carols with The Chapel Choir.

7.30 to 8.30 - The Sloop then Fore Street - Heyl Town Band.

Many of the local shops will be open until 9.00, so there will be plenty to see and do.

Only one week to Christmas Day - can't wait !

More info about festivities is on:
Christmas In St Ives Cornwall

Monday, 14 December 2009

Exhibition - Nil Desperandum

Nil Desperandum - Fore Street St Ives

A great new art exhibition has sprung up on Fore Street.

Nil Desperandum is a response by a group of contemporary artists to the legacy of John Knill - former mayor of St Ives who commissioned the Knill Monument.

The Knill Family motto 'Nil Desperandum' is carved into the monument and translates from its original Latin to 'Never Despair' - an appropriate sentiment for these hard times !

Work exhibited is from a diverse group of Cornwall and international artists.

It is in Knill's former house at 50 Fore Street - near to the corner of The Digey.

This really is worth a visit - I was there on the opening night and can thoroughly recommend it. The work is varied, original and in a range of different media.

Its open every day (except Sunday 19th) until Chistmas Eve when it closes - so don't miss it !

More information:
Sally Noall Website

Saturday, 12 December 2009

St Ives Cornwall - December Competition

Harbour Beach - Buried Treasure- Find It !

Another competition - and you can win a great prize.

Pirates have buried their treasure on Harbour Beach.

Your challenge - to find it - then answer a question and compose a tiebreaker.

Closing date is Monday 21st December.

You'll need to visit my OneStIves website to enter:

St Ives December Competition

Friday, 11 December 2009

St Ives Community Play 2010

Nicola Wilkes (Juliet), Sarah Lincoln (Director) September 2009

St Ives Community Play have announced their production for next summer.

As expected it will be a Shakespeare comedy - Much Ado About Nothing.

Like last summer performances will be outdoors on The Island St Ives during August and September - dates to be announced later.

The company are looking for as many local volunteers as possible to join - whether onstage or offstage. Everybody involved last year really enjoyed the experience. You can get in touch now via the website.

Work on the production will start early in the New Year.

St Ives Community Play Website

Thursday, 10 December 2009

St Ives Cornwall - OneStIves Website

St Ives Cornwall - Sunny Morning - 10th December 2009

I've not posted for a few days - the main reason being that I've being working flat out on the new design and content for my St Ives website.

I've added more interactive and visual features including videos, maps, reviews, what's on listings and animated photo galleries.

I'm planning to add even more to the site over the coming months - so if there is anything that you would like to see let me know. Any comments are most welcome.

I'm keen to feature good quality content from other contributors - with a full credit and link if applicable. This could be news, reviews, photos, video or just about anything else relevant to St Ives and Cornwall.

Check out the new site here:
St Ives Website - OneStIves

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Christmas In St Ives - Festive Fridays

Christmas In St Ives Cornwall

There will be a number of events every Friday evening in the run-up to Christmas. Also late night shopping and free parking. Many people in town have made a real effort this year to make Christmas in St Ives special.

Festivities start this Friday when Santa arrives in St Ives and the Christmas tree lights are switched on.

Friday 4th December at St Ives Guildhall and around St Ives from 6.00 pm:
  • Santa arrives
  • Christmas lights switched on
  • Carol singing
  • St Ives Concert Band
  • Tatters Morris
  • Fancy dress prizes
  • Treasure hunt
Friday 11th December around St Ives from 5.00 pm:
  • Twinkle Twinkle procession
  • Children's carols
  • St Ives Infants School Choir
  • St Ives Concert Band
  • Puppet shows at Fabulous Kids
Friday 18th December around St Ives from 6.00 pm:
  • Guisers
  • St Ives Concert Band
  • Heyl Town Band
  • Laudate Choir
  • Chapel Choir
  • Hayle and St Ives Afternoon Choir
  • Fairy Wishes at Fabulous Kids
St Ives Concert band will also be playing around town every Saturday.

More info about Christmas in St Ives is on::
Christmas In St Ives Cornwall