Thursday, 28 November 2013

Tonight - Rollers Philippines Fundraiser

Roller Disco - Philippines Fundraiser
Roller Disco - Philippines Fundraiser

Tonight - at St Ives Guildhall - Rollers Roller Disco and Fore Street Methodist Church are hosting an Open Roller Disco from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm. Tickets are £5.00 per person.

Then at 7.00 pm Nathan Thomas is getting his head shaved ...all for the purpose of sending funds for aid to the outer islands in the Philippines.

The organisers want to raise at least £2000 for Nathan's hair. If you can't make it to The Guildhall you can donate in collection buckets at Keebunga (Wharf), St. Eia Cabin (Harbour Front) and Streetlife Skates (Ayr).

From 7:45pm those getting sponsored can take part in a Roller Marathon - pledging to skate 15km or 30km. If you want to take part and want a sponsor form please contact Nathan on 07525 219 463.

There will be home made cakes and refreshments as well as good tunes and good times - so spread the word and get down there to skate. Or at least come for 7.00 pm to see one painful hair cut!

100% of the money raised going to Hopelink - Charity Reg. No. 1141534.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

September Festival 2014 - Gig Announcements

St Ives September Festival - Hawkwind - The South
St Ives September Festival - Hawkwind - The South

Three major gigs have already been scheduled for 2014 -
more to follow but this is the news so far.

Tuesday 16th September - St Ives Theatre - Steve Knightley.
A great opportunity to see his solo show in an intimate setting.
For ticket info - call St Ives Theatre Box Office - 01736 797 007.

Friday 26th September - St Ives Guildhall - The South.
Former members of The Beautiful South return - after 20 years, 10 studio albums, 34 chart singles, 15 million record sales worldwide and performing in front of millions of fans.
Tickets - £20.00 (plus booking fee) from:
Ents 24 - The South

Saturday 27th September - St Ives Guildhall - Hawkwind.
With the legendary Lord of space rock Dave Brock at the helm, ex Gong synthesiser player Tim Blake on keyboards and theramin , Mr Dibs on bass , long serving drummer Richard Chadwick and Niall Hone on guitar - Hawkwind bring their unmissable , spectacular show , featuring dancers , stiltwalkers , psychedelic lighting and projections to St Ives. A fantastic festival closing party.
Tickets: £TBA

I'll be posting further news here and on:
St Ives September Festival - Facebook Page

Thursday, 21 November 2013

St Ives Guildhall - A Big Weekend

St Ives Guildhall - What's On

A big weekend ahead at St Ives Guildhall.

On Friday (22nd November 2013) a chance to do some early Christmas shopping at the St Ives WI Christmas Bazaar. Doors open at 11.00 am.

On Friday evening the regular Rollers Roller Disco - three sessions - 5.00 pm Families and Kids - 6.30 pm Teen Skate -8.30 pm Over 18s Roller Disco Party.
Rollers Roller Disco - Website

On Saturday night Sold as Soul are staging an evening of Tamla Motown and Northern Soul - starting at 8.00 pm. Tickets are just £5.00 (advance) / £6.00 (door) - available online via CRBO,and  from St Ives Visitor Information Centre. More information on:
Sold As Soul - Facebook

Looking ahead - a special Roller Disco Marathon has been scheduled for Thursday (28th November) - a fundraiser for disaster relief in The Philippines. Doors open from 5.00 pm.

More coming up next month as the festive season gets underway - starting with a Carol Concert on Sunday 1st December. Details on:
St Ives Guildhall In December

To get the latest new - straight to your mailbox - subscribe to:
St Ives Guildhall - Newsletter

Monday, 18 November 2013

St Ives Poetry Circle

St Ives Poetry Circle

St Ives Poetry Circle  meet on the first Friday of each month at St Ives Library at 1.30 pm.
This session is best described as ' Poetry for Pleasure '. You are invited to bring your own poems or those that you like written by others, and read them for everyone to enjoy. If you prefer just to listen that's fine too.

St Ives Poetry Forum meet on the third Monday of each month at St Ives Library at 1.30 pm.
The first part of the session writers are welcome to bring a poem they have written, perhaps not too long, with 6 copies to hand out (there is a photocopying facility in the Library). After due consideration the poem will be discussed, any questions answered and if necessary suggestions made in a friendly and helpful atmosphere. The second part needs pen and paper for short exercises to inspire future poems with a theme set by a member of the group.

New members are very welcome. More information is on:
St Ives Poetry Circle - Facebook

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Scully Racing - St Ives Harbour

Scully Racing - St Ives Harbour
Scully Racing - St Ives Harbour

Scully Racing has become a new spectator sport for St Ives and the next race is on Saturday (16th November 2013).

Specators are advised to gather on the foreshore opposite the Sloop Inn.

New participants are also welcome. The event begins at 2.00 pm with a training session. Additional punts and expert tuition will be available for the benefit of novice sculliers.

The St.Ives Boatmen, the reigning champions, will be defending their title against a challenge from Newquay from 3.00 pm.

Teas for the participants will be provided at the Rose Lodge.

Prizes, donated by Marco Amura of St Ives Brewery, will be presented by the Mayor at about 6.30 pm in the Castle Inn - where you can enjoy a range of fine Cornish real ales and a warm welcome.

More Scully Races are planned for next year as this becomes a regular event in the St Ives sporting and social calendar.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

St Ives Guildhall In December

St Ives In December - The Guildhall
St Ives In December - The Guildhall

I manage the website for St Ives Guildhall - and I'm working alongside St Ives Town Council to help promote the venue and events there.

Our aim is to make it a popular place to hold events of all types - maximise ticket sales - and so to ensure its long term financial viability. An asset for the whole town and another attraction for our visitors.

You may have seen events listings for December - around town and online. Unfortunately - and I'm sure unintentionally - some of these contain a few errors and omissions. So I just want to update everybody on what is actually happening at St Ives Guildhall in December 2013.

The Town Carol Concert - as every year - is on the first Sunday of the month - which this year falls on 1st December. Organised by local churches and a fundraiser for Edward Hain Hospital. Its NOT on Friday 29th November.

Friday 29th November sees our regular Rollers Roller Disco - which rolls on every Friday through December - with three sessions -  for kids, families, teenagers and adults - starting from 5.00 pm.

Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th see a Christmas Craft Fair - local arts and crafts. No details yet of stallholders and entertainment - .these will be posted when known.

On Saturday 14th something new - comedy from Headluv and Passman - Cornish Rapppers.

On Saturday 21st - there is a Christmas Food Market - organised by St Ives Farmers Market. But please note that the regular market continues on Thursdays 5th, 12th and 19th. Plus - there is a special New Years Eve Farmers Market.

Full details are on:
St Ives Guildhall - What's On In December

For regular updates you can sign up to:
St Ives Guildhall - Newsletter

Finally - some good stuff is already booked for January and February - tribute bands Oye Santana and The Rollin' Clones.  Plus - September Festival patron and one half of Show Of Hands - Phil Beer.

Have a great Christmas and New Year in St Ives !

Monday, 11 November 2013

St Ives September Festival 2014 - Dates

St Ives September Festival
St Ives September Festival

Dates have been confirmed for St Ives September Festival 2014.

The festival will open on Saturday 13th September and run through to Saturday 27th.

Planning for next year is underway - with some acts already pencilled in for St Ives Guildhall.

More news about gigs and tickets will be posted here when confirmed.
You can subscribe to this blog by email - use the box in the right hand column.

For the latest - plus some great films and photos of the 2013 festival - you should also follow:

St Ives September Festival - Facebook

St Ives September Festival Twitter

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Bonfire Night In St Ives - Fireworks

Porthminster Beach St Ives - 5th November 2013.

Firework display - organised by St Ives Football Club.

Another wonderful film by:
St Ives Community TV

Monday, 4 November 2013

The Week Ahead In St Ives

St Ives Cornwall - Bonfire Night - Porthminster Beach
St Ives Cornwall - Bonfire Night - Porthminster Beach

As the half term holidays come to an end St Ives gets quieter for a few weeks - but as ever - still lots going on.

Bonfire Night is celebrated with two firework displays - subject to the weather. Carbis Bay Beach - Monday (4th November 2013) at 5.30 pm. Porthminster Beach - Tuesday (5th) at 7.00 pm. Drinks and food available at both events.

St Ives Guildhall is hosting something every day - including markets, Rollers Roller Disco and a Barn Dance. Listings on:
St Ives Guildhall - What's On

St Ives Arts Club has a new exhibition - Textile Art and Mixed Media - Sew ... A Needle Pulling Thread. Open daily - 10.30 am to 4.30 pm - until Saturday 16th November.
St Ives Arts Club - What's On

Guided Tours Of St Ives continue through the winter on Wednesdays - meet outside The Guildhall at 11.00 am.
Guided Tours Of St Ives

Tate St Ives has an exhibition - Aquatopia - The Imaginary Of The Ocean Deep. Open daily - 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. Also a special tour of the exhibition - with St Ives art historian Janet Axten - on Thursday (7th) at 3,30 pm.
Tate St Ives - Aquatopia

Lots more events are listed on:
St Ives Cornwall - What's On

I've also added a new - experimental - page to my website - a poster board for local events - a sort of online version of the noticeboard at The Guildhall. If you'd like your poster on the board - visit the page and email your event.
St Ives - Community Noticeboard

Finally - a new page for St Ives In December - Christmas - New Year. What (I think) is the most comprehensive What's On guide for the festive season. Again - email if you want your event featured.
St Ives In December - What's On

Have a great week in St Ives - more news coming soon.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Exhibition Opening - St Ives Arts Club - Today

Textile Art Exhibition - St Ives Cornwall
Sew ... A Needle Pulling Thread

Today at St Ives Arts Club - the opening of an exciting new exhibition - Sew ... A Needle Pulling Thread - Textile Art and Mixed Media by
 Jo McIntosh and Carolyn Saxby.

Both Jo and Caroline have spent weeks producing many beautiful and original pieces.

Opens at 4.00 - wine - nibbles - all welcome.

Hope to see you there !

More details of the exhibition here:
Sew ... A Needle Pulling Thread

The exhibition is open daily - 10.30 am to 4.30 pm - until Saturday 16th November.