Monday, 5 January 2009

St Ives Cornwall - Sunrise

Saturday, 3 January 2009

St Ives Jazz Club

As I'm about to do the quarterly update to their website I though I'd give you a preview of the St Ives Jazz Club programme for January - March 2009.

They meet on Tuesday evenings at The Western Hotel in the centre of town. Doors open at 8.00 with the music starting at 9.00. Tickets on the door - £6.00 for members, £3.00 Truro College students, £9.00 others.

The programme opens with local favourite Kris Gayle on 20th January. She is followed by a host of others including Jim Hart, Martin Speake, Compassionate Dictatorship and Harry Beckett.

Full details can be found on their website, where you can download the full programme:

The club have also launched a Piano Fund to buy the grand piano they've had on loan from Bristol Piano company for the last couple of years. Help if you can:

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year From St Ives

Another great New Years Eve in St Ives. Smaller crowds than previous years but still a great atmosphere out on the streets. Didn't visit any of the pubs as they were all rammed and I can't be bothered anyway since the smoking ban.

Unlike last year the police seemed to be taking a common sense approach to the ban on drinking outdoors. My night ended happily following the samba band up through the town from The Harbour to Royal Square.

By tomorrow town will be pretty much empty of visitors. January and February are two of my favourite months here - nice and quiet.

I forgot to take my camera so no pics ! Please email any that you have and I can feature them on my website: