As I'm about to do the quarterly update to their website I though I'd give you a preview of the St Ives Jazz Club programme for January - March 2009.
They meet on Tuesday evenings at The Western Hotel in the centre of town. Doors open at 8.00 with the music starting at 9.00. Tickets on the door - £6.00 for members, £3.00 Truro College students, £9.00 others.
The programme opens with local favourite Kris Gayle on 20th January. She is followed by a host of others including Jim Hart, Martin Speake, Compassionate Dictatorship and Harry Beckett.
Full details can be found on their website, where you can download the full programme:
The club have also launched a Piano Fund to buy the grand piano they've had on loan from Bristol Piano company for the last couple of years. Help if you can: