Friday, 20 November 2009

St Ives Cornwall - November Competition 2

Where in St Ives Cornwall is this ? Click to enlarge.

After the relative failure of my last competition - only two entries from all my hundreds of loyal readers - I've decided to give it another go.

Is this St Ives most obscure postbox - where is it ?

First correct entry wins - post your answer in comments below.
If you post anonymously please include and email address so that I can let you know if you win.

Prize as before is a copy of the guidebook - St Ives and Trips in the Vicinity written by Julia Kaufhold and translated by Will Sleath.

If you don't win and feel like enhancing my Internet fortune by buying a copy click on the link above. Its a great book by the way.

As mentioned previously - if you'd like to donate a prize in exchange for some free publicity get in touch.


  1. There are lots of obscure post boxes in St. Ives, I can think of at least three and I don't think that this one is any of the ones I'm thinking of! Am I allowed three guesses?

    My first guess is on the granite wall along by The Porthminster Hotel

  2. Hi Carolyn - yes you can have three guesses !

  3. Hi Steve,
    At first I thought it was at the end of Skidden Hill near the old Courthouse, but I think that one is freestanding?

    So I think it is in the granite wall underneath The Gallery on the Square in Island Square.

    Regards, Carol Devine Twitter @coradevine

  4. And if I too am allowed another guess, then maybe in Love Lane? I have no idea if there is a letter box there, but it's an obscure enough place!

    Regards, Carol Devine
    Twitter @coradevine

  5. I think it is Barnoon Hill. Just near the car park. Chy Sunny

  6. My first guess (without going out to check) is Tregenna Terrace right on the corner where the steps go down to Fernlea Terrace? The post van stops beside it and leans out the window to empty it - it's a really dangerous corner for a postbox!
    Gill Cooke

  7. How about the corner of Mount Pleasant leeading down to Ayr lane. Carol.

  8. It is set into the wall at the top of Tregenna Hill outside the Porthminster Hotel, or thereabouts

  9. Actulaly I'm not sure that Tregenna Hill is correct, it is probably the top of the Terrace. But it is definitely near the Porthminster

  10. Does this mean that no one has got it right yet?

  11. Congratulations to Carol - a worthy winner!

