Thursday, 31 October 2013

Exhibition - Sew ... A Needle Pulling Thread

Textile Art Exhibition - Sew ... A Needle Pulling Thread
Textile Art Exhibition - Sew ... A Needle Pulling Thread

An exciting new exhibition opens next week at St Ives Arts Club.

Sew ... A Needle Pulling Thread features textile art and mixed media work by St Ives artists Jo McIntosh and Carolyn Saxby.

The exhibition opens with a private view on Sunday 3rd November at 4.00 pm. Meet the artists over drinks and nibbles.

It is then open daily - 10.30 am to 4.30 pm - until Saturday 16th November.

Work will be for sale at a range of affordable prices.

You'll find more information about Jo and Carolyn on:

Jo McIntosh - Knit One Weave One

Carolyn Saxby - Love Stitching Red

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Rollers Roller Disco

Rollers Roller Disco - St Ives Guildhall
Rollers Roller Disco - St Ives Guildhall

No fewer than five Rollers Roller Disco sessions at St Ives Guildhall this week.

Thursday 31st October - Halloween Monster Roller Disco.
Families and Under 18s - 3.30 pm and 5.00 pm.

Friday 1st November - Cornwall Roller Derby Fundraiser.
Under 11s - 5.00 pm.
Over 11s Teen Skate - 6.30 pm.
Over 18s Roller Disco party - 8.30 pm.

Tickets are available on the door or online from:
Rollers Roller Disco Website

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

St Ives September Festival 2014

Festival Chair Alan Shepherd Reviews The 2013 Festival

I've very much enjoyed - and am enjoying - the role of Social Media Manager for St Ives September Festival.

The festival committee are already planning for the 2014 festival - with a couple of major acts already "pencilled in".

Naturally nothing can be announced until acts are confirmed - but watch this space.

I aim to keep people involved and informed via the festival Facebook and Twitter pages.

As soon as there is any news I'll be posting it there. In the meantime - I'll be posting some photos from the 2013 festival - plus some wonderful short films by Alban Roinard - St Ives Community TV.

If you have any photos - please do past them on the festival Facebook page. We'd love to share them.

The main festival website will also be updated in due course.

Here are the links - please "Like" and "Follow" us to get all the latest news as it happens.

St Ives September Festival - Facebook

St Ives September Festival - Twitter

St Ives September Festival - Website

Monday, 28 October 2013

St Ives Guildhall - November

St Ives Guildhall - November 2013
St Ives Guildhall - November 2013

A varied mix of entertainment and shopping at St Ives Guildhall in November.

Events include:
  • Mind Body & Spirit Fayre
  • Table Top Sale
  • Barn Dance
  • Christmas Bazaar
  • Vintage Fleamarket
  • Northern Soul
  • Rollers Roller Disco
  • Craft & General Market
  • St Ives Farmers Market
More details - including dates, times and tickets are on:
St Ives Guildhall - What's On - November

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Half Term In St Ives - Kids Activities

St Ives - Holiday Activities For Children
St Ives - Holiday Activities For Children

With the half term holidays upon us (already!) - many kids (and parents) will be looking for exciting and interesting things to do.

Here are some ideas:

Sunday (27th October)  - Skateboard and Scooter Competition.
St Ives Skate Park - Penbeagle.

Monday (28th) - Story Time and Crafts.
St Ives Library.

Tuesday (29th) - Family Art Workshop.
St Ives School Of Painting.

Wednesday (30th) - Art Base.
Tate St Ives.

Thursday (31st) - Monster Halloween Roller Disco.
St Ives Guildhall.

Friday (1st November) - Craft Workshop - Make Pom Poms.
St Ives Library.

Jo McIntosh - who runs the kids workshops at St Ives Library - can run craft workshops for families and children - also creative activities for birthday parties. Details here:
Jo McIntosh - Knit One Weave One - Kids Workshops

A perfect way to end to your day - The Mex Restaurant St Ives has a special offer for kids. Open daily from 5.30 pm.
All week - free desserts with every kids meal. Get your voucher here:
The Mex St Ives - Half Term Offer

Details of times and tickets - plus many more events for children and families - can be found on:
St Ives Cornwall - What's On

Friday, 25 October 2013

What's On In St Ives - This Weekend

St Ives Cornwall - What's On
St Ives Cornwall - What's On

As ever lots on in St Ives this weekend and next week.

Highlights for the weekend include two contrasting events at St Ives Guildhall:
  • Rollers Roller Disco - Tonight.
  • The Three Belles - Saturday.
Full listings for the weekend, next week and through November are on:
St Ives Cornwall - What's On

This includes lots of activities for families and children during half term week.

Looking ahead - you can find comprehensive event listings for Christmas and December here - something to enjoy every day right through the month to New Years Eve:
St Ives Cornwall - December

Have a great weekend in St Ives !

Thursday, 24 October 2013

St Ives - Hidden History

St Ives Cornwall - History
St Ives Cornwall - Hidden  History - Women In Industry

Tomorrow at The Western Hotel -
St Ives Archive are hosting a special event -
Hidden History - Women In Industry.

St Ives is well known for its fishing, mining, artists and tourists, but for about forty years it was the home of a vibrant textile industry based in former pilchard cellars near to The Island. The industrial manufacture of textiles is not usually associated with a seaside town in Cornwall.

The majority of the employees were women who went into the factories when they left school at the age of fourteen. Maybe for this reason the work that they did has almost been forgotten. The Town Council, by the 1970s, had removed all traces of industry from the centre of St Ives and transferred it to new industrial estates. The buildings themselves were demolished to make way for luxury accommodation to expand the tourist industry.

Tomorrow (Friday 25th October) - between 11.00 am and 3.00 pm - volunteers from the Archive will be hosting an event and workshop. As many employees as possible are invited from the various textile companies located Downlong between the 1930s and 1970s: Crysede, Hamptons, Flawns, Berketex and Fryers. 

Members of the public and visitors to the town are very welcome to see this display of St Ives Hidden History.

One of the key events will be an opportunity for everyone to assist in the making of a ‘camouflage net’ of memories. These nets were originally made at home, during the war, by young women and children. On this occasion, strips of calico with individual memories and images will be sewn into the net and these will be a lasting reminder of this chapter of St Ives history.

The day will be filmed and refreshments will be served. It is hoped that the resulting camouflage net will be on permanent display, ensuring that this important period of St Ives history is never forgotten.