Tuesday 25 October 2011

The Big Draw at Cafe Art

The Big Draw is a national event held in October each year, aimed at getting the nation drawing!  This year Cafe Art are holding a free drawing event - tomorrow:

Wednesday 26th October
10.00 am  - 6.30 pm.

On the theme of 'Fantastical Winged Creatures'  - drawing real or imagined winged creatures from seagulls to unicorns or completlly invented creatures! We are aiming to turn the space into one wierd aviary -getting the public to draw on tableclothes, windows, paper models etc.  Just drop in anytime during the day and take part - free.

Cafe Art can be found in The Drill Hall on Royal Square in the centre of St Ives.

More Info:
Cafe Art - FaceBook

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Brother and Bones - St Ives Guildhall

Brother and Bones -  St Ives Guildhall

Live at St Ives Guildhall - this Friday (21st October 2011) -
Brother and Bones.

Support from Felix Fable and Kola.

Doors open at 7.30 pm.

Tickets cost £6.00 - available from Balcony on Wharf Road St Ives.

Tickets also available and more information on:
Brother and Bones Website