Monday 15 June 2009

Theatre This Week - St Ives Arts Club

St Ives theatre company Cornerstone (formerly St Ives Operatic Society) are performing a new play at St Ives Arts Club this week -

A Smack In The Back - A Farce Within A Farce by Mike Ezra.


The Outhouse Theatre Company are staging the play “A Stab In The Dark” and it is nearing opening night.

Julian, the director is near to a coronary as the cast test his patience to the limit.

Forgotten lines, frustration, and general chaos reign as the show stumbles along. It appears that Julian has been giving some of the cast extra tuition and if his wife finds out there will be hell to pay.

With a pregnancy, a suspected murder and intrigue galore does the Outhouse Theatre Company really represent what amateur theatre is all about? In those immortal words of Noel Coward?

..... Don’t put your daughter on the stage Mrs Worthington.

Wednesday 17th to Saturday 20th June.
Doors open at 7.30, performance starts at 8.00.
Ticket: £5.00
Available from St Ives Tourist Information or on the door.
Box Office: 01736 796297

Bring your own wine / drinks.

I've enjoyed Mike's previous productions so I'll be there this week.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going too!They are always excellent entertaining productions. I am taking a visitor from Londong!!!
