The Island St Ives - Setting For Romeo and Juliet
I very much enjoyed Sarah Lincoln's talk - Confessions Of A Theatre Director - at St Ives Library earlier this week.
She talked about her forthcoming productions, how she got into directing and her approach.
It sounds as if St Ives Community Play - Romeo and Juliet, to be performed on The Island in August and September, is going to be an amazing production.
For a start there will be a fifty strong choir (possibly larger) to provide accompaniment, with music specially written for the play.
The play will open with what Sarah described as "a huge fight scene", stage combat direction is one of her favourite things.
Tate St Ives will be involved as well, providing an installation as part of the set. What form this will take I don't know but it should be interesting!
The music competition has attracted a good number of entries. The finalists will be chosen in the next week or so. They will then perform at The Crow Rooms on Thursday 16th July where the winning songs will be chosen by Sarah. The plan is that these will be performed live during the party scene of the play.
A few roles are still to be cast and volunteers are wanted for crowd scenes, front of house, and backstage. If you'd like to be involved get in touch. Anybody who would like to help is very welcome to turn up on rehearsal nights - Mondays, 7.30 at The Island Centre. People who can sew costumes are particularly needed.
Performance dates are:
Wednesday 19th August
Thursday 20th August
Friday 21st August
Saturday 22nd August
Sunday 23rd August (in The Plen at St Just)
Wednesday 16th September
Thursday 17th September
Friday 18th September
Saturday 19th September
Tickets are not yet on sale but I'll put details here as soon as they are.
I'm planning to get some video footage of rehearsals and interviews with cast and crew for a more detailed preview later.
St Ives Community Play
Sarah Lincoln
Fantastica fotografia!!!