Saturday, 5 September 2009

What's On In St Ives Cornwall

The Castle Inn - Ceilidh - Friday 11th September

Things have now quietened down a bit as the main Summer season has ended.

Will soon be busy again though when the September Festival starts next week.

Today (5th) sees the first (to be an annual event) Greenaway Pro Surfing Competition. In memory of much missed Tom Greenway - who was a great friend to many in St Ives.
All day on Porthmeor Beach. After Party - St Ives Guildhall 7.30pm.
Tickets: £8.00. Profits to charity.

On Sunday (6th) you could check out the new exhibition at St Ives Arts Club. Joie de Vivre featuring the paintings of Archa Boase and the sculpture of Deryl Perucci.
Open daily 10.00am - 5.00pm plus some evenings.
Free entry.

On Monday (7th) night Freddy Zapp will be hosting the regular Karaoke night at The Sheaf of Wheat.
Starts at 8.00pm.
Free Entry

On Tuesday (8th) St Ives Jazz Club are staging Alex Garnett with Craig Milverton Trio at The Western Hotel. 'A fine altoist and tenor player, Alex's blistering playing has featured over fifty times at Ronnie Scott’s and has been exciting audiences all over Europe for the last few years.'
Doors: 8.00pm. Music: 9.00pm
Tickets: £9.00 / £6.00 (members) on the door.

On Wednesday (9th) you could try the Ghost Walk.
Take a guided walk to various spooky locations around St Ives, steeped in authentic and ghostly tales.
Meet at 8.30pm at The Guildhall.
Cost: £5.00 (adults), £3.00 (children under 14). Pay guide on arrival.

On Thursday (10th) Phil Bowen will be at St Ives Library reading from his new collection of poetry - Nowhere's Far.
Starts at 6.00pm.
Free entry.

On Friday (11th) there is a Ceilidh band at The Castle Inn on Fore Street.
Starts at 9.00.
Free entry and a great range of real ales.

Then Saturday (12th) sees the start of St Ives September Festival. More on that soon. Check my other blog for latest news:

Have a great week and let me know of anything else that's going on.

As ever more on my:

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