Thursday, 25 February 2010

St Ives Food and Drink Festival

St Ives Food and Drink Festival - June 2010
St Ives Food and Drink Festival - June 2010

A celebration of the very best of Cornish food and drink - the first St Ives Food and Drink Festival - is coming to town in June.

It will run from Monday 14th June with daily events in some of the town’s bars and restaurants. This will lead up to the main Festival weekend on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th June, when there will be a Food and Drink Fayre at St Ives Guildhall.

Food and drink producers from across West Cornwall will be taking part along with cooking demonstrations, recipe ideas and a range of food and drink related events at locations around town.

Events planned so far include:
  • Cornish Cheese Tasting - Cornish Deli - Monday 14th June.
  • Fish Masterclass - Sea Food Cafe - Tuesday 15th and Thursday 17th June.
  • How To Cook Cornish Mussels - Alba - Monday 14th to Friday 18th June.
Lots more will be added so I will post details here in due course.

There will also be a St Ives Food and Drink Trail - a map of St Ives and surrounding area highlighting all food and drink related outlets.

Lots more will be added so I will post details here in due course.

The festival website is currently under development - so I've added a Food Festival page to my OneStIves website:
St Ives Food and Drink Festival

Organisers now want to hear from every bar, restaurant, café and food retailer in and around the town who would like to have their details placed on the food and drink trail and on the Festival website. They are also seeking ideas for events.

For more information contact Mercury PR.

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