Saturday 20 February 2010

St Ives Cornwall - What's On This Week

Trevor Watkis - St Ives Jazz Club - Tuesday 23rd February
Trevor Watkis - St Ives Jazz Club - Tuesday 23rd February

Still plenty going on in our little town - so here is a selection for the coming week.

Tonight (20th) tribute band Not The Beatles are at The Lifeboat Inn. Starts at 9.00 pm, free entry.

Tomorrow (21st) there are pub quizzes at both The Queens Hotel and The Union Inn. Start time is 8.00 pm.

On Monday (22nd) St Ives School of Painting have an art class - Life Drawing. It starts at 7.30 pm and costs £7.00 - no need to book just turn up.

Tuesday (23rd) sees the regular St Ives Jazz Club gig at The Western Hotel. This week they're staging Trevor Watkis Trio. Doors open at 8.00 pm and music starts at 9.00 pm. Entry on the door is £10.00 or £6.00 for members.

On Wednesday (24th) St Ives Folk is at The Western Hotel - Kiddlywink Bar. Starts at 8.30 pm, free entry.

Thursday is Cafe Frug night at St Ives Arts Club. An eclectic mix of music, poetry, prose readings, comedy and film hosted by the inimitable Bob Devereux. It starts at 8.00 pm and entry on the door is £4.00.

On Friday its Late At The Tate starting at 7.00 pm. Free entry to the galleries until 9.00 pm. Music, food and a pay bar in the café until 11.00 pm. Film - Rebecca - tickets £5.00.

More details of the above and lots more events listed on:
St Ives What's On

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