Monday, 22 December 2008

St Ives September Festival 2009

I've begun my annual trawl through Google and MySpace for 2009 festival gigs - to feature on my OneStIves website. All I've come up with so far is Bellowhead, opening the programme at The Guildhall on Saturday 12th September. Pretty good band so I've heard, so may check them out, depending on the ticket price.

As ever the "official" festival web site has a wealth of information - gigs, events, exhibitions, talks - for LAST years 2008 festival !

My guess is that the rest of the Guildhall programme will be the usual solid if slightly dull mixture of blues, folkies and trib. bands. If it was up to me and if I had the money right now I'd be booking Lacuna Coil, Dragonforce and Chimaira - but it isn't and I don't. The chances of the promoters putting anything on for young people (and sad middle aged metalheads like myself) remain slim.

I spoke to Bob Devereux a couple of days ago and Poetry In The Square will be going ahead as usual. He may be away for the first week of the festival so guest comperes may be required including my great friends Rod Bullimore and Anna Chen.

The Festival Committee will probably hold back until their "big splash" programme release in the spring. No doubt hoping that they can secure some last-minute groundbreaking big acts such as Rolf Harris or Rod Hull and Emu.

Many may not be aware - as its not mentioned on their website - that the festival is starting later in the month next year - it runs from Saturday 12th to Saturday 26th September.

I'll keep the OneStIves festival page updated as I discover more gigs.
Let me know of any gigs and I'll feature them.

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