Wednesday 11 January 2017

Steeple Woodland Nature Reserve

Steeple Woodland Nature Reserve - St Ives Cornwall
Steeple Woodland Nature Reserve - St Ives Cornwall

Steeple Woodland Nature Reserve is a 40 acre public open space in the hills overlooking St Ives.

Visitors are welcome to explore the woods and surrounding heathland.
It's a beautiful place to visit and enjoy some open space.

The reserve is managed by a group of local volunteers - and they hold a weekly working party. All are welcome to come along - on Wednesdays - from 9.30  until 11.30 a.m. Also on the first Sunday of each month - from 11.00 am to 1,00 pm.

Volunteers should meet at the wooden gate with the noticeboard, near to the top of Steeple Lane (approaching from the Cornish Arms). Tools and gloves are provided, and sturdy footwear is recommended. A variety of tasks are undertaken through the seasons, based on what most needs to be done.

Typical activities are habitat management, tree planting and footpath maintenance. It's a great way to get out and about, keep fit and meet like-minded people.

More info:
Steeple Woodlands - Website

Latest news:
Steeple Woodlands - Facebook

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