Saturday 11 September 2010

St Ives September Festival

St Ives September Festival

The September Festival is finally here - lots going on today.

I very much enjoyed a pre-festival drink at The Sloop and then The Castle last night, with (among others) Rod Bullimore, Charles Shaar Murray, Martyn Barker and Kelvin Bowers. As Jo put it - Last Of The Summer Wine revisited - but who is Compo ? Also enjoyed chatting to various festival visitors from London, Germany and Switzerland.

No point repeating everything thats happening  here - as I've put a full calendar of festival events on my website - broken down into different types of event (live music, theatre etc.) if you use the navigation menu at the top of the page:
St Ives September Festival Events

For more information and tickets you can also visit:
September Festival Official Website
St Ives September Festival Twitter Feed
St Ives September Festival FaceBook Page

Here is my entirely biased and self-interested selection of events for the week ahead - based on those involving family, friends and people who have fronted me free tickets:

Saturday (11th) 12.30 pm - Poetry and Music in Norway Square (also daily throughout).
Sunday (12th) 7.00 pm - Workshop - Tea and Textiles with Jo McIntosh.
Monday (13th) 8.00 pm - Music and Comedy - Back to Back with Rod Bullimore and Martyn Barker.
Tuesday (14th) 8.00 pm - Live music - St Ives Jazz Club - Sarah Gillespie Quartet.
Wednesday (15th) 7.30 pm - Theatre - Much Ado About Nothing (also Thu, Fri, Sat).
Thursday (16th) 11.00 am - Guided Tour St Ives In The Frame.
Friday (17th) 7.30 pm - Theatre - Oh Mary with Bec Applebee


  1. This is my favourite time of year, I love taking part!

  2. Thanks Karen - will you be doing any readings ?

  3. Hi Steve, dont know if you remember me from a few weeks back, we have just returned home from another fabulous 2 weeks in St Ives, love the place, we stayed in Mathews Cottage.
    Them 2 weeks have confirmed even more to us just how much we would like to relocate to St Ives and since our return on Saturday i have spent many hours doing job searches and even small businesses for sale.
    Like i said in my last message to you, we want this very much, its just a fantastic place for us to bring our 2 young children up (age 8 and age 16 months).
    Best wishes Steve,
